Originally Posted By: jfarsetta
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Show me where the exception is limited to commercial applications only. It is embedded within an entire section which pertains to commercial and residential applications. No where does it state that it is limited to commercial only.
I am reading the 1999 NEC. You are referring to 230.2, where it's pretty clear. 230.2 (a) through (c) has it covered. It's (d). that is the loophole, IMO.
An example would be a legal 2-family dwellng, where a group home for disabled children gets a different rate than the other occupants. It would be an odd exception, but an exception nevertheless. I believe that, based upon exception (d), a second drop would be permitted. (BTW, I've never actually seen a second drop. I'm just arguing for the sake of arguing... my point being that the NEC is confusing as hell and is open to interpretation).
My final point was for you to show me where it states that any exception is limited to commercial applications only. Section 230 pertains to all, as far as I can tell, and the allowable exceptions is not stated as being limited.
Section 230 has many applicatioins relative to commercial and residential buildings, which furthers my argument. 230-40 deals specifically with residential applications and related exceptions. If the exceptions were limited, I believe they would be stated as such.
In 230-40, the exceptions are laid out in a clear and concise manner, and the reader knows which application (residential or commercial) it speaks to. Absent of any verbal delineation, one must assume that the rule or exception as stated in 230-2 applies to all installations, as ther is nothing within that particular portion of the Section that states anything to the contrary.
Am I wrong? If so, please explain why.
Geez... and I'm not even a code guy. Why am I arguing this? ![icon_rolleyes.gif](upload://iqxt7ABYC2TEBomNkCmZARIrQr6.gif)
Joe Farsetta
Illigitimi Non Carborundum
"Dont let the bastards grind you down..."