4 unit inspection

Originally Posted By: jjackson
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Realtor just called-got my first inspection. It’s a 4 unit apartment in one of the cities older sections. I was kind of hoping for a newer one. The going rate around here is about $275 for a single family dwelling. How much should I charge and does any body have any advice at all. It will be next week.


Originally Posted By: hspinnler
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Hello. I’ll jump in and suggest a price range of approximately $150 to $175 per unit. Document with lots of pictures. Check for fire seperation beween units. If you have a software based program, obtain a template with duplicate sections for multiple units and approach systematically by inspecting the same items and components for each unit, beginning with exterior. Then start inside from left to right or right to left. Take good notes and provide the client with an easy-to-read report.

Hank Spinnler

Originally Posted By: rray
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Here it’s impossible to have access to all units at the same time so that one could inspect the same item in each unit at the same time. So we usually inspect one unit and then move on to the next unit.

We did two six-unit complexes two days ago, both same seller and same buyer, and the seller had forgotten to give the tenants 24-hour notice. Several tenants were, shall we say, quite unhappy, and ten out of twelve refused us access to the apartments. So we wound up scheduled to do 12 apartments and only did two. Same price, though, so that was nice.

I think the buyer is simply going to use the two units we inspected as representative of all the units since they were newer buildings. Bad, bad, bad, but that's the way it goes.

Home inspections. . . .
One home at a time.

Originally Posted By: Jay Moge
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I currently maintain 360 units in 15 building. picking a percentage and using that as a representative of all units is kind of irresponsible of the buyer. I mean who knows what the tenants have done to “their” apt. or what has already been repaired in the ones you saw vs the ones you didn’t. My units are about 40 yrs. old and I’ve seen some with original carpets in good shape and I’ve seen some with 2yr old carpet destroyed… but hay same price? good for you, but I’d consider a “re-scheduled inspection” at a later date after the tenant comply. (just my 3.5 cents)