I have just been informed that 11 out of 12 students who purchased the home-study course from CERTI and took the NCT Refresher Course with NEHA Exam, have PASSED the NEHA Exam.
This is an excellent testimony to the quality and integrity of the CERTI Radon Course - it was a pleasure to provide this course with NEHA exam to all who attended!
This same course with exam is open to all interested inspectors. We need at least 15 attendees to make the course profitable to all who attend. The cost for the entire home study course, 1-day refresher course with exam is only $350.00 - this is a huge savings when compared to other courses on the market PLUS, the high percentage passer rating is unparalleled in the industry!
Call me or send me an email if NACHI Certified Training can be of assistance in bringing quality education to you in your area.