A Provincial Day of Mourning for OAHI.

A Provincial Day of Mourning

Observed annually, the Provincial Day of Mourning commemorates members involved in serious Association Realted Incidents. Emphasis is given to those members that have been ignored, dismissed or generally suffered at the hands of an Association.

So every year, we honour those Associaiton members whose lives have been forever changed by Association Realted Incidents.

In this past year, we saw the number of traumatic Associaiton Realted Incidents continue to grow, Board Director resignations, appeals by members for wrong doing and sagging membership growth. New office and training facility stimulus packages had no appreicable impact. For affected members, their life will never be the same. Still, with the memberhsip facing enormous increases in their dues for 2009, the number of non-renewing association members is expected to skyrocket, leaving those that remain to wonder what will become of the Associaiton era.

The Provincial Day of Mourning is a solemn day for members to join together in a commitment to eliminate all future Association Realted Incidents. After all, they can all be prevented — “There Really Are No Association Realted Incidents”, says an Association spokeperson and something which members hear repeatedely.

This day of observance of Association Realted Incidents coincides with the passing into legislation of “The Ontario Association Act” created by Royal Assent over a decade ago in the Ontario Legislature. Since that time, various events have been organized each year by members across the Province to express remembrance for the family, friends and colleagues of those that have suffered as a result of the Association’s implementation of policies, procedures & administrative practices.

From the earliest suggestion on having a Provincial Day of Mourning, there have been many attempts to improve legislation. However, the statistics show that there is more work to be done.


· Former lobbyist absconds with Association funds
· Fees paid to association lawyers wasted, ironically
· Financial statements found missing in error
· Director resigns after classified documents found in un-inspected home of girlfriend
· Removal of chairs in committee rooms found unwarranted
· Significant programs implemented without consultation or thought
· Communication via hollowed-out logs accomplished without amplification
· Expense reports processed in wrapped in soft cushion-like material
· Sesqui-centennial reporting of financial activities non-existent
· Pre-approval by memberhsip of major expenditures shadowed by post-justification
· Darts misplaced in hitting financial targets
· Unexplainable membership fee increases found missing

In addition to the human suffering caused by Association Realted Incidents, the economic costs are excessive. The total dollars paid out cannot be tallied due to its magnitude, resulting in no noticable member marketing in the Province.

The Provincial Day of Mourning should remind us not to focus our attention on these tragic statistics but remind us that there is more work to be done in reducing the number of Association Realted Incidents elsewhere around the world.

When contacted for comment, the Associaiton says “We are committed to continually improving the environment for members, amplfying communication efforts, and negatively increasing the number of Association Related Incidents by responding to the ever changing needs of our members. It’s given it’s given. What kind of given? It’s given. A given is a given. And when you have a good given, it’s because it’s given”.

Other Federal-Provincial-Territorial counterparts have no committees responsible for Association Related Incidents but vow to monitor this situation closely by starting new associaitons of members lacking in these areas.

Recent proposed amendments pertaining to “The Ontario Association Act” include requirements specific to hazard identification, assessment, and education. These new proposed Hazard Prevention Program Regulations, while thought to be a step to improving the safety and health of members, will only benefit those members renewing in 2009 (if implemented) or any members remain. It’s a widely held view that current accmuulated benevolent funds are insufficient to fund even modest Association Related Incidents.

By Graham “Chops” Ashdown - An Ontario Association Energy Certified Full Professional Master Restricted Inspector & Assessor Registered Properly Provincially for Homes & Properties, former Student, Candidate and Associate Yearning Holding Status Nationally (or American) of Society Certification, Commercial License Pending & Comedic License Taken & Failed
edited by GrahamA.Ashdown on 12/18/2008

Nick, are those typo’s or did you type Realted on purpose?

Thread drift…

Alright already!
It’s the apostrophe police here.
Everyone is hereby forbidden from using an apostrophe ( ’ )…with the exception of Bill Mullen because he knows how to do this correctly.
You will all be charged with dereliction of duty to the Queen’s english (correct use there) and annoying the animals.
Only members of that OTHER association use apostrophes for making things plural (more than one) and we certainly don’t want to be lumped in with that lot.
’ Nuf said (correct use there)

  • Jim Walker

Kenneth, they are not my words, I just posted it for him.

In a related story, a local Kingston member of OAHI, former Eastern Ontario Charmian of something very important and former home inspector has filed suit in Kingston small claims court against OAHI. Claiming that the OAHI is in breach of an agreement to fund all mourning ( and some afternoon) expenses, when the organization refused to settle an invoice in the amount of $3,500. 12.

The member claims to have organized an OAHI sanctioned day of mourning event at a local restaurant which included several speakers, a luncheon, door prizes, 25 hard bound copies of his life story and approximately 12,000 feet of black bunting. Attendance at this event was to count as .0037 C.E.U’s or 1/100,000’th of an R.H.I.

However, the OAHI’s refusal to settle this debt has forced the member to undertake an action in the court. He has engaged the offices of 17 of his favourite lawyers to fight this action through to it’s conclusion.

“Gentlemen, I intend to see this through and force you to live up to your word. I shall now retire to the lobby to sign copies of my autobiography, " What made me the greatest home inspector in the known universe”.

You told me you wrote this book yourself, when you signed a copy for me!
Did you plagiarize the whole thing? I wondered why the covers were glued on so badly!:mrgreen::mrgreen:

( damn! They’re on to me !)