I have never heard Trump say anything remotely supporting that.
But I do know that the thought of Russia to retreating back into Russia is a fantasy. And if they do, Ukraine will follow them and press further into Russia. And if you do not know why this is true, take the time to read the Hoover article and consider why they would pursue Russia. We would do the same to any aggressor.
Of course! Let’s hear your defense for the Russian invasion of a sovereign neighbor. You can leave out the NATO part. We already went over that a few times I think.
If you want, you can also add in why Israel is so terrible for retaliating for a gruesome attack on their people. It does seem like you have a soft spot for the aggressors in these conflicts.
I never said it was justifiable. It is what it is.
It is all about nation security. If Putin merely retreats, Ukraine has no security. They know Russia will reorganize and attack again. Therefore, they will hunt Russia down indefinitely. Ukraine does not merely want to end the fight on the battlefield, they need security assurances.
Why will Russia attack again? For the same reasons. Nation security. Ukraine allied with NATO puts Russian’s nuclear enemies on their border. Akin to the Cuban missile crisis, which we would not, did not tolerate and were ready to go to war if not resolved.
So, the only way for Ukraine to have security without a security deal is to chase Russian all the way into Moscow and force a regime/government change.
You do not know enough to make the determination. Read more, talk less. Israel is ready, willing and capable of ending any trace of the “landless Arabs known as Palestinians.” There may be some peoples roaming around but they will be neatly tucked away. Trail of tears comes to mind. Maybe it is justified, maybe it is God’s plan, maybe it is just what it looks like when you lose.