Actually, Trump is Making a Strong Comeback


Joe you like nuts in your mouth? or slapping or chin? From your previous posts, I’m guessing both. :man_shrugging:
So that is a no? You’re not willing to welch on more bets on this MB? Maybe there is hope for you FJB :man_shrugging: :pray: :pray: :pray:

Dumicrats are flipping out over the SCOTUS unanimous decision.

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Seal Team 6
Watch out for Seal Team 6. Immunity cuts all ways.

I’m certain it doesn’t cover murder of citizens and domestic assassinations of government officials.

Certainly covers International assassinations.
Good luck defining a bright line here. Watch out for Dark Brandon if Trump gets immunity…

He was Dim Brandon as a congressman. He has been Dark Brandon since his VP days. He will be Done Brandon before the election. They already have to tell him who he is.


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How long can she contain herself before pledging her support for a candidate?

The singer boasts millions of fans, known as Swifties, who have now been encouraged to hit the polls.

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The MAGA crowd are pant shitting every time she post about voting. :rofl: :rofl: :shushing_face:

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Sadly, every election from now on, will have idiots claiming “election interference or fraud”. What a shame…


Hopefully it’s limited to claims and court cases, and not trying to hang the VP or destroy our Capitol again.

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People have been claiming election fraud for years. Donald Trumps personality and fan base just brought it more to the mainstream. The democrats were screaming election fraud when Trump won in 2016. Trump just stole their messaging. Bush vs Al Gore has a lot more evidence of election fraud than Trump vs Biden has. No election has no election fraud. But there has been worse cases of it then what we have now.


Only if Biden wins again. At that point, new hanging nooses will be made for Harris… these folks are really sick individuals…

Early exit polls: Most North Carolina and Virginia GOP primary voters would consider Trump fit for presidency if convicted