Actually, Trump is Making a Strong Comeback

There’s TDS Tom playing the race card again.

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And who has been “screaming” since 2020? :man_shrugging:

I don’t recall a riot on the Capitol riot then. Maybe I’m missing something in your comment…

Yes, we know, lol. It’s almost a requirement in some states for politicians to be criminals.

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Oh the Republicans are definitely screaming now. No doubt about that. Not all republicans, but definitely a loud subset of them. I was just trying to highlight that both sides use it when it’s convenient, and that using it as an excuse is nothing new. Also going back to your post, I don’t think it’s going away anytime soon. Unfortunately. Even though I don’t think election fraud has changed, how people are reacting to it is definitely changing to be more radical.


How soon you forget… or just selective memory???

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I think we can blame at least a portion of that on radical “news” outlets that make money off of spreading lies and misinformation.

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Elections have been rigged for decades. If we don’t get rid of the machines the cheating will continue.

I agree. Their revenue stream seems to be dwindling quickly. They make most their money from the cable bundle, and cable isn’t doing well either. I think they are slowly dying. I just wish we could speed it up! Haha

95% of politicians are criminals… both “sides” of the isle.


For sure. I think machine voting can be fraudulent. I also see how paper ballots can be fraudulent as well. Which kinda sucks, because I don’t really know what to do about it. I think elections are mostly safe, but fraud most definitely happens.

See, we can all find common ground, lol.

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You mean like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and so many more???

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I don’t think TV is where most of the radicals are getting their misinformation. I think it is websites and social media.


Paper ballots are manipulated via false voter roles, mail in (mail out) voting, and several other avenues.




You are mistaken, lamestream fakenews media is the number big lie machine brainwashing the unsuspecting public for many decades. You’ve been given the resources supporting this point but have refused to acknowledge them.

How many feds are in the photos above you posted Tom? Specifically how many feds are instigating violence?

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Ignorants don’t see this Ryan… :shushing_face:

That’s another tactic that radical outlets push in order to take your money and/or get your eyeballs to sell to advertisers. They tell you that “everyone else” is blind.

You so funny Puss!!!