add a layer to the CMI.

Canyou please adress Levy’s complaint?
Us CMIs would greatly appreciate it.

Why are you asking Nick? I thought McKenna was the head honcho over there? :roll:

That report had enough filler in it.
it was 5000 sqft I bet.
Can you say soft.
My bloody 1200 sqft have 50 plus.

Agreed Robert and did you catch the errors?

Never happen no one cares. Last guy caught lying was asked to join! So why not lie until you get caught. If you get caught and if anything is done about it they ask you to join. No one runs CMI, its just a marketing logo for sale.

No one cares and no one wants to care.

Levi’s complaint unanswered tells you about the CMI leadership. It sucks and is useless.

Mr. Hensel.
That attitude is what I am talking about. Defeatist attitude.
Nick cares, Roy Cooke cares and I care not even having joined the club yet.
So that is the point to my thread.
layers of excellence. As INACHI grew so does all the education right ?
we all hold the same title of home inspector certified through INACHI jeffrey yet some joined years ago WHEN THE EDUCATION WAS NOT AS STRINGENT… Right ? Are you still HI’S.

What if all the CMI joined forces.
#1 An excel spread sheet is made up of all the CMI’s …Opps Certified Master Inspectors, Nick to the rescue, members on it.
#2 Any singled out none accredited CMI that is emailed.They are warned and placed on a list. They are told to cease and assist or pay the price.
#3 Them action can be taken by the INACHI lawyer Joe F.

Once enough of the frauds are singled out a mass litigation can take place or/and the new “Certified Mater Inspector” is rolled out with layers.
the old CMI is history. some say its time. it remains the logo as some call it but without title it is nothing.
The new Certified Master Inspector is now here and all INACHI.

It can be part marketing, education and a walk into the 21st century with IR as a new layer.
the old logo remains INACHI’S but a new 21st century ACCREDITATION IS “Certified Mater Inspector” and the campaign starts.
send it up to Canada to and lets get some marketing going.
let len of OntarioACHI spin it against mike Holmes.
I can carry on but its not my place.

CMI is not a INachi entity. CMI, while owned and ruled by Nick, was touted and sold as Association neutral. Ashi members can be a CMI. NAHI members can be a CMI. OAHI members can be a CMI. You do not have to be a INachi member to be a CMI.

The difference between Holmes and CMI is he requires 1000 INSPECTIONS. Not 100 inspections and 900 hours of online education.

Apples and oranges.

Point is well taken.
A CMI is just that, all and any association member. The list is still a list. Add a member yearly fee ($10) and Joe F. has some money to work A litigation venue.
Remember*** the little guy *** is not the main gripe here. Educators stating the are qualified CMI educators should be warned and harshly.

INACHI can start there own “Certified Master Inspector” designation with the INACHI colors that is their/our own.

Not much to do in my eyes to generate a unique INACHI designation and add a layers as it grows. Yes Nick is the final out come but I am trying. I do not like complainers.

INACHI certified IR inspector is already here.
Hours …sushmours, years… smears, Marketing and Definition or Identity and yes with accountability…
Make it simple enough . Not to stringent. Add layers as it grows.

To me this is not about Mike H., counting hours or even apples and oranges being compared.
Its about opening and healing and old wounds, stepping into the 21st century and Marketing carrying it all the way.
Thank you for your reply.
PS: Please excuse my past comments at and towards you Steven. I can only say I am sorry. No excuses. All the best.

I want a Pineapple or Water Melon.
Everyone compares apples and oranges.:wink:

You go Don.


I never have understood why you engage in these futile exercises Robert.

Your comments and suggestions should be directed at those who run the CMI.

This is hardly the first time you have tried to put your stamp on things NACHI.

How’s that working for you?

Sorry I started it.
WOW. Michel nothing nice to say then move along.

Individuals like yourself are entrenched in hate.
Your mindset is the core to Americas issues. My way or nothing. You started.

You phone my home. My bloody home sir. Blast me on a phone for something I did not do. Demanding, yes demanding an apology, in 15 seconds and hang up in my ear.
Sir I have no beef with you. I have heard from the peers I recognize as fully intellectual and developed for social behaviour. I need nothing from you.

If my 90 year old mother would have answered the phone with your screams you would have killer her you mindless twit.

You sir a one frustrated man.
get a life sir.

I don’t hate you Robert. I just call them as I see them.

If you don’t like my opinions fine but they are mine and I stand by them.

Speaking of mindless twits, you’re doing a fine job fill that position.:shock:

That scenario sure sounds familiar to me Robert, for some reason.

I would suggest the option “Ignore” under control panel and recording your phone calls.

Really? Please share

You don’t know what you are talking about.

Funny how the spoof calls have stopped to my phone number after I outed him.

You are the smallest member here Mr. Larson.

You sir did not even converse although I pleaded with you and asked you what are you talking about. You thought you could intenidate me. WOW are you off the mark mate.
There are many here that know you are not well sir and despise your foolishness.
Ever think some one thatis unknown to you hates you.
Many do wake up!!!

As for me. IGNOR.

Listen A s s h o l e

As usual you have to make things up.

I called you one time and gave you grief that was richly deserved.

You invited it as far as i’m concerned. Take your meds if you have them and stop causing trouble.

You and the rest of the Roy boys can put it where the sun don’t shine.

You start these useless threads in a sad effort to change something you have no power over. Your efforts are a complete waste of time and directed at the wrong people.

CMI is was and always will be a marketing tool and nothing more.

If you are so concerned with lack of adequate standards, you should be spending your small efforts on licensing in Canada.

Not that licensing solves anything but it would least give you shot at affecting the change you so desperately desire.

Good luck on your futures efforts.


Sir good luck finding any sympathy. you are your own creation. I had nothing to do with your hate.

Now the ignore button please. never used it but now’s a good at time as any.

Mike wants some attention again. The elections over.
Opps he lost.** he’s not in a good mood.

The elections have nothing to do with my thoughts on you Robert.

You are a self important little man who makes grandiose and usually meaningless gestures.

Nothing more.

Talk to your friend Siggy about it. He will explain it to you.