Good job Kevin!! So, you finally figured out what class and dignity looks like! Congratulations!
Now if they could just pass some of that on to The Donald.
The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Truth bomb incoming…
A judge in Fulton County, Georgia, struck down the state’s six-week abortion ban Monday, allowing the procedure to resume and making it legal up to 22 weeks of pregnancy.
People won’t look because they do not want to know. Pampers calls the fetus a baby. The law won’t even acknowledge it. Many states will not even allow this information to be placed in the abortion clinics. The left carries abortion like a badge of honor to each bully pulpit.
Though I know it exists, not all criticisms of abortion are based on religious fanaticism.
Brow know-how. Your baby can now furrow actual eyebrows! These fine hairs are pure white, as they don’t contain any pigment yet. Eyelids have developed too, although they’ll stay fused shut until about 28 weeks.
Inside workout. Now that baby’s arms and legs are proportional (but not their final size), he or she is busy kicking, grasping, flexing and clasping those little hands. Tiny fingernails now completely cover the fingertips–and they keep growing. In fact, you may need to trim your baby’s nails straight after birth to avoid scratching that baby-soft skin.
Did you know? Your baby could be frowning with his or her newly developed facial muscles and eyebrows. His or her eyebrows and hair look white, as they don’t contain any pigment yet. Baby can also make a fist and may even grab onto the umbilical cord, but not strongly enough to do any harm.
This should be debated on by actual scientists performing real scientific studies under actual scientific guidelines… not by the hocus-pocus religious community in the sky, and certainty not by elected officials beholding to their political ideology. But most importantly women must be able to decide on weather or not to carry a fetus to birth, nothing else matters.