Announcement: Awards Committee 2015

As new Awards committee chairman, I’d like to take a moment to thank the entire committee, including and especialy the outgoing 2014 Chairman Larry Kage and Vice Chairman Marcel Cyr.

These guys have spent more time and energy than many members realize on recognition of excellence among interNACHI members through the administration of our Awards Program.

The 2014 awards committee also consisted of the following members who have all been instrumental in a successful program, I’d like to thank them for last year as well.

Roy Cooke Sr.
John Bowman
William Warner
Paul Hensperger
John Shishilla
Mike Auger

I’d like to thank the folks stepping up for 2015, our new slate is as follows:
Chair - Mike Auger
Vice Chair - John Shishilla
Marcel Cyr
Larry Kage
Roy Cooke Sr.
John Bowman
William Warner
Paul Hensperger

We look forward to continuing to recognize members for excellence, possibly bringing in some new and prestigious awards.

For more information on the Awards Committee visit

Thanks Mike glad to have you doing this Much appreciated … Roy

Thank you!

The Awards Committee is looking forward the Mike Auger’s and John Shishilla’s leadership. Thanks guys. :slight_smile:

Thank you all!

Thank You All for all your time. :smiley: