Anyone want to wager on the election?

Now that’s funny!
ICYMI… Irrefutable proof of ONE way they cheated in 2020. You can WATCH FOR FREE.

Guilty conscience? :thinking:

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I’m torn. Kamala would definitely be better for our inspection industry, and better for my family personally. Trump would be better for the country.

I never heard anything about Vandy kicking Bama to the curb after Bama ate the Dogs for lunch being a “conspricay”, but all the “conspriracy theories” are coming or have already come true.

Only in that the MAGA cult won’t revolt and try to take this Nation down to it’s knees should he lose. The only reason…

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You mean like when they tried to burn down DC in 2017?

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All these liberals talk a big game, but when it comes to betting against Trump, they tuck their tail between their legs and run. Predictable.


Come on Burkeson I know you’re watching, wanna bet?
We’ll give all the money to Nick to hold in advance so you cannot cheat this time.


Let’s go liberals, this should be like taking candy from a baby according to all you guys :rofl:


I’ll go to my grave believing that there is no way some cardboard cutout who couldn’t pull 35 attendees to his campaign rallies… beat a guy who was packing stadiums.

That said, I’m still torn as to who to vote for. Kamala isn’t all bad. Trump isn’t all good.


History is filled with despots who could fill stadiums.

None of these reigns ended well.

If we survive the wars, maybe so. She will otherwise just continue the status quo and kick whatever needs to be kicked down the road. She is indecisive and a swamp creature.

That might be the reply of the year. My compliments.

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That’s rich coming from the guy supporting the DEI hire that didn’t get any votes from the American people.
Here we go?

It’s generous odds Nick. The race is too close to call. It could go either way in my opinion. Seems like all the pollsters agree.

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Dems are the party of no voter ID, ballot harvesting, mail-in ballots, unsupervised drop boxes, eliminating the Electoral College, packing the Supreme Court, and removing the filibuster.

But they are going to save democracy. SMH.


You’re so FOS you’re eyes are brown… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

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Dems have been threatening/bragging about it for years.