the think about ESTIMATES are that if the appliance was defective, it probably did not last a year or 2, average that in with all those that lasted over 20 years and what do you get?
10-12 years apparently.
the think about ESTIMATES are that if the appliance was defective, it probably did not last a year or 2, average that in with all those that lasted over 20 years and what do you get?
10-12 years apparently.
What do you consider “objective truth” to be? My heat pump was manufactured in 2001. The circuit broad and internal wiring for the compressor unit was replaced in 2010, the coolant lines in 2011. A humidifier was added in 2013. I could not “objectively” say how old the system is. Report on what is in front of you in terms of condition and if it was working. Being predictive or wanting to supply what your client thinks they want to hear is not being “objective”
That is exactly what I said in the earlier posts.
Thank you David. I completely agree. I know we need to use language to CYA but using language like “budget to replace” an 8 year old heat pump in a report is a little over the top in my opinion and just may alienate some agents and cost you clients in the future.