Arizona HI certification

Originally Posted By: tharvey
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icon_smile.gif Hi I would like to become a certified HI in Arizona. I am told that I need to take go with a inspector for 30 inspections plus take the written test. Could someone give me advice on this.

Originally Posted By: dbowers
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

You’ve got a state licensing law - get on line and you’ll find out the requirements first hand - not just by hearsay. In AZ you need schooling, a test, and so many inspections.

Originally Posted By: Joel Corwith
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

tharvey wrote:
![icon_smile.gif](upload://b6iczyK1ETUUqRUc4PAkX83GF2O.gif) Hi I would like to become a certified HI in Arizona. I am told that I need to take go with a inspector for 30 inspections plus take the written test. Could someone give me advice on this.

The entity is the BTR and a web search on "btr arizona" will turn up The BTR Web Site. If you attend the with-inspections course at AZ Suntech Website you won't have to hunt down an inspector and pay him for each house.

Then you need to think about starting a company or getting hired. Actually, you should think about that first and talk to some inspectors about the market.

Joel. phx