Please give your prayers to our fellow inspector, Aubrey Kahn of Firm Foundation Home Inspections and his family in the loss of his Mother who passed away in South Africa. Aubrey is enroute to the homeland. Mrs. Kahn will be buried on Monday morning.
Peace to you and your family, Aubrey.
God Bless him and his family…thanks William for keeping us up to date.
Aubry is one selfless guy, always willing to help. I have been blessed to know him and will keep him and his family in my thoughts.
God strengthen and keep you and your family Aubrey, during this difficult time.
prayers to your family, may she rest in peace.
Best wishes to you and your family Aubrey. May she Rest in Peace.
Most do not realize that Aubrey also runs Nachi Nickels, a financial help organization for Nachi Inspectors.
He is truly one really good guy.
Most do not realize that Aubrey also runs Nachi Nickels, a financial help organization for Nachi Inspectors.
John, I covered a couple of inspections for Aubrey yesterday. From experience, I know he will not accept any form of payment/referral from me so I am sending a check for $200 to Nachi Nickels. Please post this as a donation in the name of Aubrey Kahn, in memory of his Mother.
Russell, you are absolutely dead on - I don’t think I have ever met a better man.
This is rough on our friend (he lost his Dad a couple of years ago). Please take a moment to send Aubrey your best wishes. He also lost a day trying to get home due to United Airlines and had to spend Thursday night in DC. The poor guy will get home just a few hours before the funeral. SA is basically one day ahead of our time zone.
Will due William! I am sure he will appreciate it.
Prayers going out.
**2 Corinthians 5:6-8 **So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight. Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.
Aubry, our prayers to you and your family. May your mother rest in peace…God Bless
Best wishes and safe travel my friend.
Sorry to hear of your loss, God bless
Blessings and Peace to you and your family Aubrey.
Prayers and thoughts for you and your family.
God bless Aubrey.
Thank you so much one and all for you condolences on the passing of my Mother. InterNACHI is a great family of (semi) like minded people who although we bikker and fight amonst ourselved alway unite when a fellow inspector finds themselve hurting or in need. Your prayers and well wishes are gratefully accepted and cherished. William, thank you for your generosity, we at NACHI Nickels receive it with a greatfull heart.
To all of you, I look forward to getting home on Sunday afternoon and getting back to doing what we all love to do, helping others to make informed decisiions regarding what is probably the largest financial investment of their lives
God Bless you one and all.
William, InterNachi Nickels received your generous donation today. Thank you.
You’re most welcome, John but really this is from Aubrey as it should have been his cut from the referrals. They guy just won’t take the money. I know, as the last time I sent him a check, he sent it back instructing my wife to never, ever, send it again!
I’m trying my best to keep up and support Aubrey while he is away but I could use some help. If anyone is in the Kissimmee area today, would you mind running by Aubrey’s office and dumping the trash and dusting? Oh and he just informed me his dry cleaning is ready for pick-up as well. I’m just hoping Harry & David ships his blue ribbon pears on time so I can stock them before his return on Sunday.
Aubrey, if you’re reading this, I got the driveway pressure cleaned today and your mail is cataloged and sorted by response need date, I refilled the postage meter, changed all light bulbs to CFL and completed the Energy Score on the laundry room and installed double straps at the truss connections. Anything else?
Been off the board for a few days, sorry to hear of your loss Aubrey. I understand your loss very well. The loss of ones mother is deeply hurting and my thoughts and prayers are out to you and your family.