Because of the recent assassination, a lot of CEOs are afraid to return to work

They must feel like leaders of sovereign nations that have oil, but want to sell their oil in a currency other than the U.S. dollar.

Got oil? Wanna sell that oil in your own currency? The U.S. military has a message for you… Your country needs some freedom!

If assassinations are wrong, then they are wrong.

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I saw another version of this that read;

Because of the recent assassination, a lot of CEOs are afraid to return to work. Now imagine how our school kids must feel.


Yes, and it’s even worse for school kids since the teacher’s union is fighting able-bodied, law-abiding teachers who want to get trained to use a firearm and a fire extinguisher to help save the lives of the children we entrust them with.


I agree, more trained, armed people in the schools will likely be needed. It’s unfortunate, but it’s come to that.


They’re trying to spin the narrative to prevent other copycat heroes. I think people have short memories, and forget that the entire USA was founded and created through violence. We were angered enough with the tyranny of a small tea tax, enough so to declare independence and go to war. And now, we have a completely corrupt government going after HALF of our earnings, and we sit silently like good, obedient debt slaves.

There is such a thing as righteous assassination. And what this country needs is more of this activism. It is after all, EXACTLY what the 2nd amendment was intended to enable and protect.

The second amendment was never intended for hunting, target practice or home security. And when it’s used as intended, many people cry “murder!”.


I agree with everything you said, but I suspect that your 50% tax estimate might be low. There are so many hidden taxes that it is difficult to know exactly how much the government is siphoning off from our hard-earned money.

Truth. Taxes, taxes on stuff they already taxed, fees, inflation from the government competing for goods and services with our tax money, etc.