Before You Light,Read First! Newspaper Article

Ok people, let’s get out there and find your local Newspapers online to see if you can post a important timely article. By doing this not only are you helping your future clients,but you are getting your company name,and Nachi’s name out there. So lets get to work!:slight_smile:

Here is the link to the article:

Thanks goes out to Russel R. for his help on this article.:wink:

Mark- you have a double http:// in the url.

That link took me to a recap of a New Jersey High School football game.:wha?:

Thanks Bill. By the way,what were the scores?

Hey Mark-

Got the right link now. Good article. We have a fireplace here (with a wood burning stove insert) and use it alot.

PS- I don’t remember the high School scores but I know the Giants got trounced!:frowning: