Best cell phone for a home inspector

I live in North Florida, way out in the sticks, and I get all of my bars with Verizon. I’ve been with them for about 10 years, and now they just offered the I-phone, but I’ll stick with my Blackberry Storm. It does everything. In October I took my father to Munich for the 200th Oktoberfest, and there was even an app to find my way around the festival…

Blackberry Curve but I’m not happy with it. Plastic piece of crap. I’ve now got dust under the screen. I keep it with me in my pocket even in crawls because you never know when you might need it under a vacant house with no one around. Sprint tells me this dust is a cosmetic issue and they won’t replace it. Now my speaker is blown. I guess I need to shop for a phone that will withstand the rigors of the job.

My old razr was more durable.

I went with BlackBerry. At least I can get my e-mail. I do not text which drives my wife nuts. She texts me and I call her back with the answer. My fingers are too fat and I hate looking at the small screen.

Samsung Rugby - Mil Spec, water-resistant and works well. This is my second one.

Iphones are awsome, blackberries are terrible up here.

Depends upon how you are using the smart-phone (pda) in your business ?

Looks like the original innovation IPhone is a winner. Not a copycat.

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Motorola i580


I am using a phone like BOB’S, HTC but OS is windows phone 7.
512 of ram and quick enough.
I tried the Google phone but I was not use to the APPS. The phone to was problematic and that ruined the experience. Now most cell retailers I talk to say they would swich to windows Phone if they had not bought the Google phone.
Maybe grass is always greener …
I will wait for Windows to upgrade their APPS.
Lots of free stuff. Read the review. Its OK. I like how it integrates with my PC.
Now if I could only learn how to use it. HA HA HA.
Office software friendly. Its OK.
Use it for HI. Not yet. Still have to get tech. savoy.:eek:

Different OS from mine Robert but as long as you like it ,that’s all that matters.
No sense in trying to convert you on a 2 year contract and still learning.
Keep it up and you will get there.

Same here

From what I have read in an article today the i phone has a lousy calendar and is not that good for business.
When you jailbreak them you void warranty where if you bring them in you get a fast replacement.
They shove i tunes down your throat.
No flash support.
AT@T sucks for most so go Verizon.
Android you can get different phones according to what you need.
Guys who want a physical keyboard for instance should stay back.

Not too fair to compare since Android is a whole OS and i phone is just one phone.
But without Android of course and lack of all that great Google sync we all love.

Windows phone has 10,000 apps now for people who are interested.
It will be taking leaps soon into the future, or so my techie friend tells me. Yes BOB not having flash is a drag and hopefully it will be out for all phones shortly.
I-phone never even crossed my mind. It’s over priced and all the bad points have been mentioned on this thread.
No one even mentioned WINDOWS PHONE…WOW.:o

You did.:slight_smile:
Windows is considered out of touch,bloated and overpriced in much of what they do.
Becoming a Dinosaur.
People in offices are forced to use their stuff.

I never install Bloated ware in systems. I build computers for a hobbies. I use Window’s systems builders OS. Its cheaper and no bloatware BOB.
It is sound for now. I did not go the Apple route because it lacked the ability to enhance vidoe capabilaties ( I game )and love 3D,and office software was non existent 1.5 years ago or last year 350 for Microsoft’s home and student… They are using microsoft’s offce software ware now. Almost at par.
Soon I will go Picking an Apples. HA HA HA
Its like cars or trucks. My preference has been Ford for trucks. 70% of my vehicles have been Fords. Chevy had them written off in the 1980’s. With the Rusttang, that old 1970 pinto and others. It is a good phone. We will see…

Beat the hell out of that ole POS Chevy Vega and Monza !!! :stuck_out_tongue:

(No need to respond) We both know I’m right! :mrgreen:

Ha ha ha ha

IPhone is the original SMARTPHONE, all the rest are copycats- they copied the technology Steve Jobs nearly worked himself to death on. Pityful.

Good point Linas. He will die from over work.
It is a shame.