Just got back from the Blueasapalooza Blues festival at Mammoth Lakes.
Love it on that side of the Sierra!!
My sister lives in Reno. About 4000 ft, dry, sunny most of the time.
Another place that’s great is Prescott, AZ.
Just got back from the Blueasapalooza Blues festival at Mammoth Lakes.
Love it on that side of the Sierra!!
My sister lives in Reno. About 4000 ft, dry, sunny most of the time.
Another place that’s great is Prescott, AZ.
Funny, last time I visited you guys it was 10 degrees and driving from Boulder back to Colorado Springs there was a major blizzard that shut down the freeway. Just my luck, lol.
I lived in the mountains here in Southern California for 10 years and loved it. I live down the mountain now and can’t stand it for many of the reasons mentioned earlier. I actually have been to Colorado Springs 4 times now and loved it but have deciding to move to Washington (looking for a place now). I’ve been checking out the maps to make sure the areas I move are around 30 inches of rain a year, not 300. How is it where you are?
NH is a beautiful state to live in. Mountains close by, ocean too. Even better if you like ice fishing, snowmobiling and watching movies because it’s to F-ing cold or to much snow.
I fell in love with AZ when I was out there in March.
I lived in Colorado Springs for a few years… beautiful mountains to one side… .vast desert to the other. brown grass and tumble weeds! people water their lawns twice a day to keep them alive and freak out if anyone walks on them! no thanks. North of Denver is another story. lots of trees very green, and beautiful.
And, it is not CO with all those farmers off the Prairie. :D;)
Hi Justin,
Yes Colorado is awesome no doubt. What I like about the front range cities north of Denver, is the ability to enjoy Rocky Mountain National Park which is truly a magnificent place. Nick’s area up in Nederland is also in this area, which is why he’s always happy.
Now, for Google Adsense. Since I’m not inspecting, I want to take advantage of my seven year old domain name. Google loves old domains. So, I am (trying) to build a large home inspection information web site for consumers. It make take a year or more with hundreds of pages as what you have seen is merely starter fluff.
I don’t earn enough through Adsense right now to buy a bag of Cheetos. Nor have I expected much since I do not have any traffic - yet. Now the important part, I would not have placed this many ads with a home inspection site - probably none. Home buyers may question your motives and not call you. Secondly, if they click the ad which may be a competitor, they leave your site. In my situation, I don’t mind if they leave.
Hawaii is the BEST, but don’t come we are running out of room.
No SNOW, Summer all year round, gentle trade winds… just another S**ty Day in Paradise.
Ask all the CO guys how it is there around the end of January.
Yep. a winter day, and yes, there can be those days when its best to stay home. If there’s a threat of a storm, I tell folks to stay put for a day or so, til it passes. How quickly did that storm pass?
I’ll bet if you looked up the weekly weather, that it passed pretty quickly…
Vail and Aspen are a blast in the Winter. :margarit:
Both nice areas, and you do not have to deal with all the riff raff blowing in off the prairies like in CO.