Biden just pardoned Hunter

Remember that time…?

And no one could determine who used cubby #50? That person is as safe as anyone on Epstein’s list.

The photos show a small bag of cocaine inside of cubby #50,

You would think the White House would have a few cameras. Almost every home I inspect has cameras in the rooms.

I guess if you’re having cocaine parties at the White House, the cameras get turned off.

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He disposed of it in a dumpster! Best way for a criminal to get a free gun, find one! He lied on the application (exactly what the Biden family does). He owed millions in taxes. Just another crook like the rest of his family!

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Now we know why Biden’s first act was to cancel the Keystone pipeline. All has to do with Ukraine and the Biden’s 14 off-shore shell companies.

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Biden still has a Presidential Immunity card he can play. Wonder if he’ll throw it on the table… :thinking: :man_shrugging: :wink:

Well, they went after Trump for stuff that happened 30 years ago, so I guess it’s fair game.

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