Bill Mullen

Norm has anyone told you today?

If not let me be the first… F.O.!

Yes I agree completely for non members to come into our home and do nothing but ridicule NACHI and its members is so sad.
These people obviously have no life and use much energy trying to show how smart they are and how the worlds bigest and best home inspector association is wrong.
NACHI and its members to help all and offer so much and are loved by so many.
It is obvious others are so jealous and upset they hate to see NACHI succeed.
Thanks for your support Larry



How do you know he is supporting you?

You just claimed to be buddies with Bill Mullen and then proceeded to trash him. I don’t know the guy, but I know I can do without friends that are as two-faced as you Roy. I would never trust you, ever. I’d know that for every nice thing you ever said about me, there were five nasty jabs you were saying behind my back. :frowning:

Good one Roy!!

He hides behind an alias and expects everyone to take him seriously. He was amusing in the beginning, but now he is boring the hell out of me. Idiots have this affect on me. I don’t even bother to read his BS. posts.He must not have a life or at the very least a friend. With all the abuse he keeps comming back for more. I’m scratching my head on this one. He is not a NACHI member, his posts are useless BS and yet he makes time to post. I’m really having a hard time making sense of this idiot.


Do you know Roy personally?

Thanks for your confidence Wendy distrust or not you sure do follow and read my post,s.
With perseverance training and effort you too might become a good inspector in a few more years.
Unfortunately you have trouble with your reading as well as your spelling. can you show me where I said I was " Buddies with Bill Mullen ".
You contine to show you get a little information and become an instant expert.
Sorry Wendy you just keep confirming that the name WINDY sure suits you over 4,000 pots and not much information. you continue to answer your own post,s time after time after TIME. you are excited in Wendy too muchand her muck.
Roy Cooke A Happy NACHI Member

No one’s badmouthing NACHI Roy, only you and Ray/bugmenot.


You seem to say that alot. Not that it surprises me at all. :roll: It’s sad you think your relevant here, Mario.


I see your not learning a thing Roy. Other than Raymond and Mario, who do you think is impressed by you taking shots at women? :oops:


Gee now is that interesting Wendy attacks me ,
. I defend my self and you say I am taking shots at women.
I wonder where the plural comes from. lets see a little bit of information and you become an instant expert.
This sure looks suspicious to me . Wendy has used a couple of Norms phrases HMMMMMMMMMM I wonder now , food for thought.
Norm also seems to answer Norm’s pots.
I can only think of two people who answer their own post.
Roy Cooke

Roy D. Cooke

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Roys Home Inspection
NACHI Member

User Name: rcooke
Location: Brighton, ON
Posts: 2,659

Re: Bill Mullen
Originally Posted by rparker
Just got this off the OAHI Cafe Bill Mullen has resigned from CAHPI and OAHI. Looks like he is going to retire now that he has the national up and running.

Sorry to hear that even though it looked like I did not respect Bill I sure did he has been a big help to me many times over the years.
Hope he stays around he has a lot to add .many times I have not agreed with Bill and let all know .
I still think the National is wrong and need many improvements to make it fly.
As I have said many times I am a better friend then an enemy and To me there are few enemies in the home inspection industry only disagreements .
I hold no grudges and could sit down with any one at any time . Roy Cooke Hoping for a better future for all of us
. Thanks for the report Rob Much appreciated


12 Hours Ago
Roy D. Cooke

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Roys Home Inspection
NACHI Member

User Name: rcooke
Location: Brighton, ON
Posts: 2,659

Re: Bill Mullen
Some say why do I bash OAHI . I have not Bashed OAHI I have stated they did not do not and have not followed their rules .
If you do not like that well thats your problem theme’s the facts .
I also will stand up for what is right and NACHI is more right then any other association .
Until some one can show me facts not your smart attacks on me and the NACHI members .
You blubber along in your little false world and try and convince every one how smart you are ( WHO IS YOU ).
You are all washed up and enjoy your own grander and it is worth zilch. Kiss your Mama and tell her you love her and Hope she loves you cause no one else loves a pretender .
Bill is not my Buddy either.
Roy Cooke–
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Talking to yourself is one thing answering yourself…I’m no expert on the topic but I would think that’s the first sign of mental illness!

And I"m with you on this. I know what you are thinking.Norm’s post have changed slightly, in tone and in remarks. Could Norm be * Wendy?

Would the real Norm please stand up:mrgreen:

That’s just plain sad Mario. Now you’re going to accuse me of being Norm? Oh brother. :roll:*

I wonder is Wendy losing it she has been answering her own post’s and now she is putting out a bunch of my post’s.
I guess she is just not getting enough sleep my sympathy goes out to her. Honey sometimes helps.

Roy Cooke


Not accusing,… ASKING?

But if I were I wouldn’t tell you right? That would be silly. Now I’m not, but are you asking Roy if I’m Norm, or me? :shock:


Don’t take offense, Just having some fun on a Sat. morning.I’m meeting an old school friend at 12 noon and killing some time:D

Nice to see you win the daily door prize.:smiley: How long has it been since your last win 4-5 months:mrgreen:

Wendy please don’t get sensitive, just joking here.


Roy, let me help you here. You asked where you acted like buddy/buddy with Bill and then trashed him. You will find that in the above posts.

K Mario.

Yes, at least 3months anyway. I’m not sure exactly how long.