[quote=“rlewis5, post:20, topic:154005”]
Who cares!
The roof is shot!
That’s the truth! The stack pipe is the least of the concerns!
Sorry, Kenton. In my neck of the woods, 99% of plumbing terminations are flashed.
Likely a provincial roofing regulation. I am looking it up.
Who cares? I do. Kenton deserves a return reply from me due to my partly incorrect reply to the OP. He deserves thanks from anyone reading his post.
Look, if you do think further posting or correction is required, move along. Its individuals like Kenton and InterNACHI that remain in the game helping members.
Sorry for the editing.
Robert ! Stop it.
Look at this roof… The last thing it needs is someone worrying about black stains…
The roof it totally shot.
He must think he’s at InspectionNews where the exalted J. Peck et al beat every topic like a dead horse.
Mr. Peck is a good guy IMHO.
Maybe so, but never in my life have I seen such bloviation from one man.
I had to look that up…
blo·vi·ate | \ ˈblō-vē-ˌāt
bloviated; bloviating; bloviation
Definition of bloviate
: to speak or write verbosely and windily
Dam, I had to look up the definition. LOL
Me to!..
Somehow, I will have to use “bloviate” in my next report.!
I disagree. Mr. Peak, retired licensed electrical contractor and AHJ disseminates defects and granulates code. Nothing empty in what he says. You jst have to pay attention.
“Bloviation” is inflammation of one or both big toes. So… how does that apply there?
To bloviate means to talk a lot and say nothing of importance.
US a lengthy but insubstantial speech
Somehow Marcel, as far as inspection goes, I think we’re in agreement.