Is this bonding strap between neutrals and grounds bonded to the panel? I’m not sure. Top left screw? Thanks for opinions.
Your picture is too small to see clearly. . .
The wide “black” strap is bonding the two terminals bars together, that’s OK no problem typical installation. If the equipment has a pasted list of instructions and directory that will provide answers too. Was one found?
I think you are refering NOT to the two terminal bars being connected as that is a given in most panels which the black coated ( wrapped actually ) bar is doing. However, if your question is if the terminal bars are properly " BONDED " to the metal enclosure as required…I am like JEFF…I simply can’t tell from this picture…
You would need to see a Copper Jumper from the terminal bar to the panel, A strap from the same issue or a green screw directly screwing in to the panel enclosure…
Please revisit this panel…look for those things I said…
That’s why I posted the pic. I did not see any of the above. No copper jumper, no green screw and no strap to panel. Sorry about the small pic.
Yep, thats what I thought you were asking…
If you gave it a FULL viewing and did not see any bonding jumpers, straps or screws I would simply note the such…and defer it to an Electrician to remove you from the situation…You did all you could fella…
I’m just curious to know if any of you folks ever take a resistance reading from the neutral and grounding buss bars to the case frame. I always do this (Though I have extensive electrical training, and am very comfortable near electricity) I have yet to find a panel that had over 1 Ohm resistance between the panel enclosure and the GEC wire (post connection lug). I like to do that to verify that stray voltages on the neutral and ground wires can actually reach the GEC wire where it exits the panel. What are some of your thoughts about that?
Please enlighten me as to the reason the main bonding jumper is so critical. I’ve forgotton and it’s gettin late, I’m trying to finish up a report. If you were going to explain it to a client, how would you emphasize the importance in layman’s terms? Is it so the panel would not become energized in the event of a ground fault where if the bond to panel was present, the current would return to the transformer and trip the breaker? Am I even close?
Thanks as always.
The MBJ is the path for fault current