Brilliant idea

very nice Kenton

Mario -

If you think this is the only time that this board will be hjijacked by such crap you are fooling yourself.

In addition, I also complained equally about the vendor “for sale” spam the seems to have proliferated as well. Maybe you can’t see it over the nachi pom poms…

No one criticzed nachi members, if you read carefully. I criticized what I see as a pointless decision to open teh board to non-members and allow such things to occur without an eqaully vigilant attempt to prevent such spam and unprofessionalism.

I don’t wish to have to go through every day and add another new non-member vendor idto my ignore feature, when the old board worked just fine.

No valuable content has been added by these non-members, just spam and garbage.

I think it’s under International Falls, Minnesota.

ROTFLMAO! :margarit:

My car insurance doesn’t cover me for driving my car in Mexico, my business insurance doesn’t cover me for losing tools in Mexico, my GL and E&O insurance don’t cover me for inspections outside the United States, and my life/AD&D/workers’ comp insurance don’t cover me (or my employees) for working in Mexico.

Have you not seen the parental control blocking commercials on television? Same thing here. Invite Joe Blow over for a margarita and let him know (prepare for dialogue):

You: “Hi, Joe. Welcome. Care for a margarita?”
Joe: “Sure. Thanks.”
You: “So, Joe, remember that Canadian thread where you were acting like a moron.”
Joe: “No, I can’t say that I do.”
You: “Well, Joe, it was really irritating, so I’m going to have to Ignore you.”
Joe: “Oh, man. This is bad. Would you like this watch?”
You: “Uh, no. So, have a nice day.”

Ditto here.

That is absolutely awesome. Caused an ASNR (accute sinus nasal reflex) using a margarita; not pleasant, but still ROTFLMAO. :margarit:

What IGNORE button are you guys talking about?

Peter, at the top of each thread you’ll see…

Control PanelUsers ListCalendarNew PostsSearch vbmenu_register(“navbar_search”);

Quick Links vbmenu_register(“usercptools”);

Log Out

Click “Control Panel” (or click it right here in this post) and scroll to the bottom. Second from last is “buddy/ignore list”. To enter someone onto either list you enter their username which is located in the upper right hand corner of their post.
mine is kshepard.

This gets my vote for a future feature audio NACHI board announcement and disclaimer 2 to choose from. I pick #2 it will require an upgrade for time relevance.
control voice

Easier way to add specific people to your ignore, is to click on their name (in a post) and then click on “add this person to your ignore list”. That way you don’t have to try and figure out their user name.

I have the “buddy” option but not the “ignore” option.

Kenton, click on the persons profile, at the right side the above option is available.

I added Polls to mine…:smiley:

OH yeah! Hey that works like a charm! Polls? Polls? [size=4]What polls? [/size]We don’t need any polls!

Now if there was only a way to put an entire thread on the “Ignore List” that would be great.

Lately, there is very little information worth even going to this website for.

Vendors, Mold, Air Quality, Wells…Crazy…](*,)

If folks inspected commercial buildings they wouldn’t have to think about menial labor…:stuck_out_tongue:

I haven’t hired an illegal alien at all this week. :margarit:

You’re not just kidding now are you?..:smiley:

Plants don’t need weeding?..:smiley:

Slow growing season here, I haven’t hired any in about a month…:smiley:

Hey Dale, maybe you should lobby for a commercial inspections forum. I think that would be a good addition to the board.

Nope. I use mulch. Weeds can’t grow in mulch, the snails hate it because it scrapes their little tummies and they then dessicate, and the ants also hate it because they have to travel sooooooooooo much further to get to where they want to go. By the time they get there, they are old and feeble and die on the return trip.

It’s never a slow growing season in my yard. I specialize in cactus, succulents, and native vegetation. My African tulip tree started blooming in June and is still going strong. The bougainvilleas bloom year-round, and the winter succulents are blooming, which means the hummingbirds are just going wild. And the ice plant is just now entering its winter bloom cycle.

so do mine, but they require my spanish friends to continually clean the falling blossoms…:smiley:

My orange and grapefruits are almost ripe, they will start blossoming again soon. Makes the whole yard smell real nice…:smiley: