I have a great idea and want to see if my thinking is correct. I have an upcoming meeting with the local agent association and would like roll it out there.
Currently the competition in the area is not marketing the Buy Back program, nor the MIC.
I have been waiting for this meeting to fully introduce the Buy Back program.
What I want to do.
I do the MIC or sellers inspection. Paid for by the seller of course.
Bundle with that with a follow up with the buyer. Since the meat of the inspection was done, It would be a verification that nothing has changed. Add changes or repairs to the report for the buyer if any exist. Should be able to do this at a reduced price for the buyer, but only if I performed the original inspection. Doing this would offer service from start to finish.
If I do this, the report would then be the buyer’s report and would qualify for the buy back, correct?
Gregory, I’ll back you. You try to get it going and figure out the flaws (if any) in your idea. We’ll then try to work out the bugs and roll it out across N. America.
Yes, things change. That’s the purpose of the walk through/update, whatever you call it. However, how many critical things change in a month? Yes, things break, quit working. But will you need to do a full crawlspace inspection if you performed it right and there were no issues? Or that basement that is finished, or showed some moisture issues? You already know where they are. I’m sure there are some bugs and some tweaking. I haven’t worked up a pricing yet.
This will only work if I perform both though. And it really wouldn’t have to be a MIC house. But the marketing for that has potential.
I asked that question some time ago. At the time, my question was if the buy back covered MIC as well. That was a no.
This is a bit different. Perform the MIC/sellers inspection. Do a followup with the buyer.
I must have misunderstood the first question awhile back then. I thought this is what was asked about before. I think the bundling the 2 services would pretty much sow up both ends of the deal.
1 question I emailed Nick about involving bundling that I never heard back about was in my area when a RE represents the seller, but then also brings in the buyer they must have a form signed by both parties saying they are aware the agent represented both sides. Maybe that might be a good form to have for this case? Just another way to make sure the @$$ is covered.