Cancel culture making progress, I guess

It appears the Mexicans aren’t happy with the influx of Americans going to Mexico. I guess the street runs in both directions.

So the question is do they have an issue with white people? Is it because these people are English speaking? They don’t seem to have a problem with Spanish speaking South Americans crossing into their country. A little off-topic but it’s definitely race related.

Correctly, no one wants to lose their culture. I like that France and Italy are different.

And no… southern Italians aren’t ever going to be as productive as northern Italians. But if you want to eat, go south. I love that people are different, but with that we have to accept different outcomes for different groups. Different educational achievement, different financial successes, and yes, different ability to bake really good, fresh bread. We’re all different. Get over it already.

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Edit: removed potentially insensitive joke.

It sounds like they’re gentrifying the area and driving up costs for locals. Kind of the same thing going on in large cities in the US where investors are buying up large swathes of cheap real estate and with a little help from the municipality they’re transforming the areas. Good for the city, bad for those getting pushed out due to rising costs.There’s a theory behind this phenomenon, but I won’t bring it up here.

We could endlessly go back and forth with “The Libtards did this”, and “Conservaturds said that”. Honestly, it’s not worth it.


I hope there is no confusion regarding me being “offended” by the discussions that take place here, but I imagine some of you will take delight in believing that is the case. It really comes down more to where I choose to spend my time and money.

I initially joined the association to add some brand credibility to what I was attempting to do as a new Inspector a few years ago, and for it to provide me with some knowledge offered by the collective decades/centuries of experience of the members. The graphics, articles, and commentary were helpful to that, and I was appreciative of having this place as a resource.

Since then, I’ve observed that so many posts on these forums devolve into some sort of adversarial argument, or political circlejerk that I find no value in being an affiliate here any longer. You all are free to chatter on at your leisure (my position and comment wasn’t an attempt to hinder or obstruct that at all), but it doesn’t make any sense for me to pay membership dues to walk through dogshit.

If you think the only value for paying $49 a month to InterNACHI is the use of this forum you’ve missed the point by a mile.

I thought you were out of here what happened?

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Dude, you’re the one who keeps coming back and reading and posting on a thread you don’t like. Every thread isn’t going to be appealing to every person. This one seems crazy appealing to you. Threads have titles and the forum has named sections. If you want to talk HVAC, there is a section called HVAC and the threads in it are about HVAC. You’re acting like we’re making you read our fun discussion here. We like it, you don’t have to. I’ve probably learned more on this thread than I have in months. It’s really interesting being exposed to different views. There are 168,000 live, running threads on this monster forum. Maybe focus on one of the other 167,999.

P.S. It’s only text. Chill.
P.S.S. If it’s the name-calling that bugs you, I agree. I don’t like it much.

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Anyway, I think CRT is wrong about everything except systemic racism. We have some of that, which I can point to. I prefer to call it unintentional systemic race favoring. I like the word “unintentional” because no one evil is behind it. I like the word “favoring” over “racism” because I feel that racism is form of hate. And this unintentional systemic race favoring isn’t based on hate.

I’ve identified 4 major examples of unintentional systemic race favoring in our society.

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. . . and yet your still here. Just remember to remove the InterNACHI logos from your website.

. . . and yet you belong to ASHI, go figure. Having contributed next to nothing in less than 3 years you won’t be missed. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

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You keep saying that but you don’t specify. If it’s “unintentional” how can it be “systemic”


  1. 1.relating to a system, especially as opposed to a particular part.

When people say “systemic” they mean the entire system. If you mean institutional racism, meaning racism in certain social or government institutions, that is different and changes the tone and substance of the argument.

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It’s systemic or systematic because it is a system functioning as designed. The unintended consequences are unfair though.

I’ll give you the first of my four: Inflation.

The Federal Reserve has an official target of creating at least 2% inflation, year after year after year. Why? I have no clue. Consumers want deflation. Who wants to pay more for everything, every year? The U.S. had deflation for 150 years. The natural state of prices is to fall as manufacturing and distribution gets more efficient. Nevertheless, we have the Federal Reserve with an official policy to create inflation.

I love inflation. Why? Because I have a high net worth of assets that benefit by inflation. I own 4 residential rentals, a huge home, two farms, a commercial building, 12 ranches, intellectual property, businesses, royalties, equities, heavy equipment, guns, gold, silver, etc. All of that crap benefits from inflation. I wish it would all double in value, even if the cost of a gallon of gas doubles. Warren Buffet owns an entire railroad. I’m pretty sure he’d love to see the price of bread triple while at the same time the value of his railroad (in dollars) triples.

Anyway, if you have a lot of assets that benefit from inflation, inflation makes you richer. And if you don’t, the only thing that goes up for you is your cost of living and so inflation makes you poorer.

White families on average have 10 times the net worth of black families. For this discussion, it matters not why. The fact is that it is so. The average black female’s net worth is $5. Here is a reference to the white/black wealth gap: Examining the Black-white wealth gap | Brookings

Now before you say something stupid like “pull yourself up by your boot straps” let me explain how inflation does something very horrible to black families. Imagine if black families and white families were playing on a field that is level (a level playing field). Only every time the black family scores, they get one point. But every time the white family scores, they get 10 points. This is the effect that inflation has on one group of people versus another when their net worth varies by a factor of 10. Not very fair.

And remember, inflation is cumulative. So if you have 8% inflation this year and it drops to 3%, you really have 11% over two years. That really benefits those with the assets and really increases the cost of living for those without assets. Hence the white/black net worth gap keeps increasing.

If you want me to reveal my other forms of unintentional systemic race favoring, I can. But I just want to point out, that as a very right-wing conservative, I recognize that black families are harmed by these four systems I discovered. And unless we stop them, the racial wealth gap will keep growing.

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Hey, isn’t that ASSHI guy who repeatedly comes to this thread to announce he’s leaving… about due to reappear and announce he’s leaving again? :wink:

Why would I say something stupid? I will say I disagree with your initial premise. The Federal Reserve has no mandate to create inflation. The major component of inflation is the governments endless expansion. Unlike private enterprise which circulates money in the form of salaries and benefits as it creates wealth, the government only circulates the tax money it got from the populace. The government can not create wealth it only creates more taxes thereby raising the cost of everything. The Federal Reserve is an inept organization that changes hands every 4 years with varying results depending on who is at the helm.

I’m mistaken and you are correct. It isn’t a mandate, it’s a standing policy to create inflation:

It’s been their official policy to create inflation since1966 (almost my entire lifetime) and has a formal 2% target since 2012. What is the Fed: Monetary Policy – Education

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Anyway, the 2% inflation target, year after year after year means that white families get a windfall on their net worth of 2% x the assets they have that benefit from inflation. Black families only get 1/10th of that benefit on average.

That’s a form of a system that is biased and exacerbating the racial wealth gap.

I discovered three more.

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Even dog poop has it’s merits.

The world doesn’t know her! It says it in the passage, her NAME IS NANCY GREEN! Not Aunt Jemima. Where do your think she got that name from?

I thought you were not here for social/political views make up your mind


Where do you think she got it from?