Cell Phones for Canadians

Originally Posted By: rcooke
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

I have been talking to one of the MAJOR suppliers of cell phone service in CANADA.

They are trying to put together a package that could be a super advantage to Canadian Home Inspectors.

This would still be billed to you at your home address the same as you now are.

We realise this would be slow starting due to the fact many of us have existing contracts.

It is comming that you will be ably to keep your existing phone number.

If you are interested , please send me a private email.

I will stay in touch with those who reply and as I am given more information I will pass it on to you .

You are under no obligation and it will be up to you if you wish to apply when it all comes together.

All different types of phones will be available to you.


BE Happy Join NACHI

Roy Cooke Sr.
