Changes made for MOTY Nomination Guidelines for 2025

You should have Fetty review the voting process. He’s an “expert” on voting fraud and will give you at least one update a day if it ever happened, or if is happening. Pretty sure he’ll include a video documentary about ballot stuffing on the interNACHI MOTY!
Most likely called “2 Mules…maybe One”

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I second the nomination of Fetty as official vote czar.

So it sunk to personal attics - just great


Count me in, but we’ll have to cast paper ballots. :rofl:

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C’mon Marc, it’s just for fun. :+1:


So… I assume you are going to do a media blast to every InterNACHI Member to advise them of these (New) “Regulations” going forward? This wording change affects the entire Membership, not just the few that happen to see this thread.


Don’t see any Marc…want to point them out? :man_shrugging:

really > really ???there was no need for a change in the first place, like I said you cant fix stupid…

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But since there is/was… it is the responsibility of the Awards Committee to notify EVERY MEMBER of these changes!! Every Member has the right to know!!

No, I don’t, but you are more than welcome to advertise it if you wish.
There was a time when you joined InterNACHI you also had to join the forum, but that has long gone.
If the rest of the membership are interested in achieving an award, or vote, they are free to join in on the forum and share their experiences with the rest of the members here and help new inspectors and join in with whatever topic floats their boat. They will also have to follow the criteria. They want to vote; they have to play in the sand box.


Looks like TDS has morphed to FDS. LOL Living rent free in the OM minds…

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what are You smokin Jeff???


That’s YOUR responsibility, as a member of the Awards Committee!!


What the forum was and what the forum is are two different things. All a member has to do is come on here and argue politics a few times and they are eligible to vote for member of the year. That will definitely help the new inspectors.


I’m not responsible for anything, this is all voluntary. You can also refrain from your instigating comments that you are well known for also.


We did when we kicked you off the committee years back.


Nope. It hasn’t changed and never will. As the saying goes…

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

Didn’t Shakespeare write a play about this?


Well your posts certainly fill that definition!

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