Looks like citizens is going to reinspect a cross section( about 500) of homes to check for false wind credits. If they find enough mistakes then they will re-inspect all 400,000 buildings, commercial and residential. From what I can gather they will be doing these inspections in-house. this article can be found on citizens’ website. They have also approved 10% rate increases per year for next five years, which would pretty much cancel out mitigation credits. Could this be the winding down of the great florida insurance scam.
The insurance industry has already been doing them. They are finding that bout 70% have been done wrong. Hopefully they will prosecute those inspectors that have been doing them wrong. You and I both know that inspectors have been giving credits where none are due.
To many Inspectors doing drive by inspections and giving false credits. I think every home they find wrong should charge the home inspectors back what they got paid to do it. Teach people not to do drive by half a@@ inspections.
yes Bill, When ever i do a re-inspection, they are wrong 100% of the time. These are usually given class -a credits for nr garage doors, glass block, ect. But they are always wrong. I’m wondering is citizens is going to find the same thing and just decide to do all of them. How could they backcharge old inspectors for the premium difference when none of the old inspectors were trained or liscensed in any way, didnt the license requirements go into effect this past january. They would have to go after a handful of architects and engineers who signed the forms and never even looked at the inspections. Good luck with collecting that.
Once again, it is the consumer who is going to get hurt in this.
Funny, the former WCEs are the ones that are being contracted for this policing of the Mitigation inspections; I wonder who’s going to police them? Add the 400,000 inspection from the MSFH program. Trust me when I tell you the inspections performed under that program are a work of art!! I’m sure we can trust that the WCE’s will report any faulty inspections they come across that were generated by them, right? -X