Coming soon... free Home Head Start guides. Great addition to your report.

I thought the same thing Wendy. It made me think I should pick up some of them from the USPS to hand out to clients. You can always use the free key made at the local hardware store.


Looks great, what do we have to do to order?


I got a call the other day asking how many copies I would need for the fall/winter edition. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

We set up a distribution center in Missouri today.

Add me to your distro list. I was thinking of putting something together such as that but you have saved me the time!!

I can use these in my FSBO marketing, send some right a way please.:smiley:

What an awesome guide! Thanks. Please let us know when and how to order!!!

Yes please. I’ll take a box as soon as possible! :slight_smile:

Great as a printed guide,
Fantastic as a reasonably-sized email version!

I sure hope that I get an email, they look great and I know that Miss. Homeowner will like the coupons. Great Idea.

Jerry Yost
Golden Rule Home Inspections

Thank you Nick, for all that you do!


Hey Nick are the book ready yet? (Free Home Head Start guide)

^ I am wondering the same thing

Many NACHI members have been getting calls to make sure that they are willing to deliver these Guides to their clients and to find out how many they will need in the next few months. They are expensive to print and didn’t want them being shipped to someone that won’t or can’t use them. Some have shipped.

I have been wanting and waiting also!

Jason…Post #5 in this thread posted by Nick states November that they will be sent out.

I can’t locate the email. Can I also get them sent to me?
Chris Rich

A Closer Look Home Inspections, LLC.
8 Shawnee Trail
Burlington, NJ 08016

Can I get a box also?

Just didn’t want this thread forgotten!!