I have inspected several homes in the last couple of weeks where the service wire into the main breaker/bus bars does not have the contact compound. Is not having it a defect? I know there are benefits to using it, but if it is not there, how should it be called out, if at all?
An aluminum wire in an aluminum lug doesn’t usually require the anti-oxidant.
The code doesn’t specifically require it.
It comes down to the manufacturer’s instruction.
I always let my customers know if No-ox doesn’t exist, because it can cause problems later. The function of this product is to prevent oxidation, and minimize the expansion/contraction effects of aluminum wire dielectrically, thus aiding in the prevention of loose lugs and arcing.
The real issue is that the compound is only required if the lug manufacturer requires it, most don’t. When U/L tests the lugs they don’t use the compound according to the road show by the aluminum pimps I saw at IAEI.
Actually as greg stated the NEC does not specific call for this compound…just states it is ok to USE the compound…again it will defer back to the manufacturer but I do not see many panels that have a Manufacturer calling for Anti-Oxidents…is it a good idea…I think so…is it a defect…not really…and most certainly will make the RE have a FIT if it is called out as a major defect…which it is not.
I would say 99% of all the electricians I know use Anti-Ox on the aluminum lugs…I know we do…