Copper/plastic wraps around water lines connected to a device. What is this thing?

I have hard well water and investigated them some years ago. The consensus is NO.

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I’m not surprised. I have very hard water as well. This contraption looks like snake oil.

It has a year long warranty. But the question is, how do you know if it’s working?

Presumably your water would be soft without the need for a softener? Or maybe they are intended to work in conjunction with a softener? Admittedly I didn’t really read up on them because if they worked we would all probably be familiar with them already, lol.

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In the amazon description, its marketed as a good alternative to a water softener because it doesn’t actually remove any of the minerals that we benefit from to some degree. It just breaks down the crystals so that they don’t become scale deposits.

Do you get any actual return on investment from the $350? im also dubious.


Im pretty sure they dont work… Scam comes to mind…