Cracks in basement in 12yr old house

Originally Posted By: Beth Boyer
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Hello, I am in desperate need of opinions! We are considering purchasing a new house that has several vertical cracks in the basement. The cracks are located in the center of each basement wall. They are in the middle of the blocks, not on the joints for the most part. After contacting the builder, we have learned the block were filled with concrete and rebar(sp?) was installed every other row. The house is 12 yrs old, and the current owners who have lived there for 8 yrs say they have noticed no changes in the cracks, nor is there any water problems. Some of the block are also exposed in the garage, at the bottom of the wall, and we also noticed some cracks there as well. These cracks do seem to be stair stepping along the joints. None of the cracks are large, app 1/8 inch, and they seem to cover much of the vertical space in the basement. In other words, they are long cracks, almost floor to ceiling but not quite. Please help! Thanks so much!


Originally Posted By: chorne
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photos would be really helpful

Originally Posted By: lgoodman
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You need to engage a certified home inspector.