It appears to me that the house structure should be raised at least 5 or 6 feet, considering the melting of the Polar ice caps and glaciers, and the subsequent rise in sea levels along the coastline.
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Steven, it doesn’t matter if it’s a high tide near the coast or a high water table in Wyoming; call out what you see and recommend that they take action to determine what the future conditions might be to the best of their ability. As a marketing effort, find out what agency that might be so that you can recommend it.
If you want to live on water, buy a boat
Or build on a floating foundation that goes up and down with the water level.
Last night I paddled out to a floating house with my little helper to upgrade the locks for the new owner.
Are lock upgrades complementary with every home inspection
I’m charging $800 for this one. (half of that is the hardware. those wi-fi deadbolts are pricy)