Credit Card Payment Acceptance Systems

this is from Dom’s HIP site:

Credit Card Processing on iPhone & Android **ALL NEW! Accept Credit Cards & Print Receipts On Android & iPhone Devices. FLAT 3.5% just like the Square. No monthly charges, no device charges, no PCI, NOTHING if you don’t use it. Since there’s no per transaction or monthly charge this works out as a great deal.

Is anyone using the above service?

Credit Card Processing Via Your Website
Want to start accepting credit cards on your website? Want to accept credit cards over the phone or process them on your cell phone (with internet access)? Need an easy way for clients to pay for their inspections? This is it! We spent several months negotiating a 3 year contract (starting May '08) with one of the nations largest credit card processors for the best rates possible. You can email us at Sales@HomeInspectorPro.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for more information, or just click below to submit a request for more information. You do not need to be using our website hosting or our software to sign up under this arrangement.

  • Rates start as low as 1.53% for swiped cards and 2.02% for internet transactions.
  • Accept cards through the internet, over the phone, or even with a card swiper (best rates, and you can order a swiper through the bank).
  • Average 2-3 business days from card processing to deposit in to your bank account.
  • The only monthly fee is a $5 fee to the 3rd party internet processor (transfers info between your site and the bank) and $10 a month for PCI Compliance (federally required).
  • There are no monthly minimum processing fees.
  • There is no monthly statement fee.
  • We do not charge a fee for the service (we use it to enhance our website hosting and soon our report upload service offering).
  • The per transaction processing charge is MUCH lower than paypal.
  • Receive an email when a payment is made to you, and your client receives an email receipt as well.

Looks like this is a min. of $15/mo.

Is anyone using this service?

Thanks for any feedback.

Pete, the bank we work with just came out with that a few weeks ago. I think there’s about 5-10 guys who have signed up so far for the terminals that work with your phones and only a few have received them already. They’re pretty cool as they have printers for receipts.

Cool. Pls confirm your are referring to:

Credit Card Processing on iPhone & Android ALL NEW! Accept Credit Cards & Print Receipts On Android & iPhone Devices. FLAT 3.5% just like the Square. No monthly charges, no device charges, no PCI, NOTHING if you don’t use it. Since there’s no per transaction or monthly charge this works out as a great deal.

Thank you, Dom.