I’m not sure if this MB has the capabilities.
All I did was upload the IR report to my website and then inserted the link to the report here.
Pretty simple.
I’m not sure if this MB has the capabilities.
All I did was upload the IR report to my website and then inserted the link to the report here.
Pretty simple.
Boy; I’ve been away for a day or so and missed so much. I’ll have to go back and read the entire thread.
David, Thanks for posting the report for us to review. I spent most of yesterday doing a heat loss survey on a commercial building built in the 1800s. I used Dual-View to produce my report which came out great, but I warn everyone to save your report every couple of pictures, I made the mistake of not doing so and I was 90% done with the report (about 2 hours) and the software crashed and I lost everything.
I did call Dual-View but they could not help me much because it was to late and I had closed all the windows.
I started over and got the report completed and off to the client and I am very happy with the quality of the software.
This inspection was some what sensitive and I cannot reproduce the report due to a real estate transaction but I might be able to post some of the pictures.
This was an interesting inspection because the building was built completely in brick and the plaster was applied to wood furring strips over the brick. I believe that back in the days of coal stoves it may have heated pretty well, the brick acting as a thermal mass. Now they are heating the building with forced hot water fueled by oil. The building is using about $1200.00 per month in oil. When I got to the scuttle hole for the attic, the temperature up there was 50, the outside temp. was 28 and the heat in the apartment was 70.
I’d like to see your pictures (especially the themal bridging on the wall coverings over the brick), but would you please post them on a separate thread so we can keep these MB organized.
I’m still waiting for someone to post their IR report for comparisons, judgements and comments. There’s got to be someone out there sitting on IR reports.
Please share…
I would post, but I have the same state mandated confidentiality issues.
I will have to settle with pics and comments. Most of my reports are a combination of HI & IR reports so it’s hard to break them apart. I am working on a new program that I will be marketing and should produce some IR only reports I can share (as they are not HI’s and regulated so closely by the state).
I am not requesting that someone contravene their State mandated confidentiality laws and post an IR inspection from one of their past clients. I’m simply asking that someone post a sample IR report (as I did), so this thread can be a learning experience for everyone.
All I ask is that someone take 10-15 minutes (of their precious time) and make up a sample report for everyone to view.
Thank you in advance…
David A. I have no ability to post a full report on my web page but can send one to Dominic’s web page and let him post it I also combine HI and IR together as one I just remove the pic of the home, name and address and that takes care of the confidentiality will try time permitting this weekend to post. The IR that I have been working with has mostly been a combo of HI/IR and or combo Mold/IR have completed several commercial mold/IR scans water intrusions only.
Keep your pants on David!
I’m off to a 7.2k sf inspection, but I’ll try to get one out this weekend after report writing.
Charlie B; I was thinking about that. I could send it to David V too I guess.
Hey Charlie,
I posted one of your examples here: Sample Inspection Reports | Website Tutorials under Infrared Reports. You had just used a few thermal pics so if you get a better example let me know and I’ll post it
This is the same one as you posted but I am just like a Real estate agent this one sold but we have others. I will doctor one up this weekend and send it to you had a shower stall leaking found with the camera.
Very cool, sounds good. I’ve been getting lots of people looking for the Infrared Examples so the more the merrier. I’ll post on our forums looking for some more examples.
I’ve seen that house before…Didn’t it have a flooded basement at some point in time? (I may be thinking of a different one)
Great job, Charley.
His next version with the new bullets and other new features will look much sharper. I’m looking forward to seeing it.
You have a good memory Brian. Yes, the 2006 flood damaged every-damn-thing in my basement. The freakin river was 10 feet over the flood stage. My neighborhood was ruined by that damn flood and I lost everything in my basement. I recovered after a while and I did end up re-finishing my basement.
Do these pics look familiar?
My son is looks around in amazement…
This is the restaurant across the street from me.
This statement is somewhat troublesome to me
“Infrared View of the Bedroom Window, notice all the heat loss”
because most covered windows will create a cold sink wall bathing signature, in the winter.
I’m not certain any great amount of heat is being lost as much as I’m sure typical cold is infiltrating though a lesser R-value window system versus the rest of the wall and cold air sinks. jm2c
try this at home one open one covered
I remember when you posted those pics, David. What a bummer that was. I hope that is a rare occurance for your sake.
Yea, I live in a 75 year flood plane and I knew that, when I purchased this home. I told my wife that we’d be in and out before the next flood hits this area.
Well, Guess what…I was wrong.
Good point, Barry. I concur.
BA I’m not following you I understand the concept but not which report you are talking about mine or DV’S.
Hi to both Dave’s, had a rough day today, woke up with a chest cold, then my lead carpenter called me from the job site, which is a un-occupied camp to tell me that the main line to the water heater burst. Luckily it was in the crawl space with a dirt floor. Anyway on my way there my truck overheated and I got stuck at a rinky-dink gas station waiting for someone to get me.
So after all that I said take me home, I’m done for the day.
My intent was to get to my office and post some of the pictures from the inspection I did. I’ll get to it soon, I am enjoying this thread and wish I could have participated more but I’m very busy. I’m looking forward to posting some pictures so you guys can give me some advise.
One thing I did on this inspection is to change the palette to iron scale, this was the most accurate way to show them and I’m not sure if it was due to limited light throughout the building or what.
I hope to do a heat loss survey on a warehouse/office next week.