Thanks DV but I thought this was a Critique surely you can find some negative I do have thick skin even though it is old and wearing thin:o
A couple of thoughts I would like to run by this crowd give me your thoughts.
As HI’s we are generally speaking from a negative point of view in describing the faults and repair items within a home in our reports. I try very hard to also describe a homes good feachers if it has any, try to be a little postive whenever possible. I will also try to do this with my engery audits instead of just showing images of the problems try to put a couple of images such as the A/C ducts within the attic with no problems as I did in the report that I linked to.
Also I noticed several guys were posting without temps and E-Levels deleated from the pics. Perhaps I am wrong but my feeling on this is if my report ever ends up in a court room I want all of the documantation in the pic that is possible and If I was to have taken the pic with the wrong E-value I can live with that but would be hard to explain to the Judge let me have that report back and I will add all of the values back into the Pic what would you like to see.
Take a deep breath, you’re not in trouble yet, it wasn’t your report it was the one from Roy on Dom’s report links…e-reports.html I couldn’t get the pix from the report to copy here
No big deal just wanting to state my observation and see if I’m close to right or whacked out of my brains when looking at other’s images.
Oh never mind we all know I’m whacked most of the time regardless.
Ahh, don’t blame Roy on that, that’s my fault. Roy sent me a bunch of pics last month to make up a mock report for him to show how HIP could incorporate infrared images. I filled in the captions in that report quickly just to show him how the captions worked in the program.
The other report is a real one that Charley did with that names and address changed to protect the innocent. So feel free to comment on that one I asked a few of the other guys to provide me with some better examples and will have them up there once I get them in.
Lol, Hopefully I have some more samples tomorrow to put up. When I sent that to Roy I put his name on it to show him how it would look. I’ll change it to Techie Inspection Services for now.
I took it down and just left Charley’s up for now. I emailed a few of the guys who are using the program that have IR cam’s asking them for samples. Thanks for pointing that out.
First off, the information on the lower portion of the front cover page is too cramped. Spread it out a bit. Make another line, there’s plenty of room there.
I absolutely love the cricket in the roof pic. Who (in their right mind) would install something as damn useless as that? It’s simply amazing to see how many brainless homeowners there are out there, who are actually not using their noggin before they take on a simple project.
The IR picture of the window indicates minor air infiltration at the penetration area. Well, I haven’t located a window yet (in my cold region) that does not have some type of cold air infiltrating into the living area. These minor air infiltrations are not really a big deal, to me. It’s the major infiltrations that your client should be made aware of.
Good point this is a problem that I have to work out with the software I have changed the footer information several times to make it look more attractive and when I preview the report in a PDF format it scrambles the footer info into the format you are seeing in the report and I don’t know why, probaly just me operater error.
I also agree with you on this item and I don;t normally put that type info into a report but in this case there were two brand new windows and the installer did a crappy job installing was just trying to bring attention that the windows needed sealing but I did not have it in the repair section.
In this day and age of digital photos and the ability to change and doctor the image to appear just about any way a person especially with your ability wants it to appear I leave the date and time in my images. As you know they taught in level 1 class that weather does effect the image if taken outside and if the exact time indicated on the image says 2:00 Pm I can say your honor it was raining at 2:00 PM on the 25th of January the time of the photo was taken and yes I did have a water leak as indicated on pic such and such.
Perhaps I am to picky but I beleive the date and time on the photo are just as important as any other embedded information.
Insurance companies have the ability to retreive info from the National weather service concerning info for an area of a claim such as hail storms. If one files a claim on a home in my area concerning hail damage the first thing the insurance company does is retreive the information from the weather service confirming that yes you did have a hail storm reported at 2:00 pm on the 25th of January. Having said that; That is the reason I beleive dates on the specific image is important. I just try to cover all of my bases.
When you put an IR scan in a report format it becomes a photograph rather than a thermograph (with all the scan data embedded). Just keep the original for court (as you may want to modify the view for court clarity). If you have the original, no one is going to change anything without you knowing it.
I think there is just too much clutter sometimes and from the vast amount of time I have spent in court, as well as Scott Wood from ITC pointed out, the more information you provide, the more you give a bottom sucking lawyer to work with.
They will make those “E Settings” the the most important part of the case!
Have you looked at the range of emissivity for aluminum?!!!
All depends upon its age and oxidation level.
It will all boil down to, “if they are not important or relivant, why are they in the report?”.