Current Inspection Agreement

Good morning Nick:

As requested, I am submitting my inspection agreement for review and comment by the legal team. I am in the process of updating this now and would appreciate any feedback. Thanks.

Just curious…

Who requested that you do that?

And, who is the legal team you are submitting your agreement to for review?


Did you send a copy to your insurance company and to the North Carolina Licensing board?
Often the insurance company and the agency issuing your license will ask for a copy of your contract to make sure it contains the language and protection they require.
Let us know if you need guidance on the process.


I noticed you have a paragraph about limited liability.
Does your state allow it?
Here in New Jersey there is no liabilty limit. Plus, I learned at a CEU meeting on Law that if we have that clause in out PIA, our license could be in jeopardy.


The legal team is Larry, Moe, and Curly Joe!



Dewey, Cheatem & Howe


I’ve noticed that a couple of the new inspectors have legal teams. I’ve talked to a couple different lawyers in the past 16 years but have never had the power of a team.


I’m a team of one and have backup if ever needed… :wink:


I’m here for ya bro if you ever need me. I’m not a lawyer, but I watch Judge Judy, so I know what’s up. :fist_right: :fist_left:

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Nothing like a pesky chihuahua nipping at your pants legs… :sweat_smile:

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If I’m in my office during the day, there is a 50% chance that Judge Judy will be on the TV above my desk. The other 50% is split pretty even between Judge Joe Brown & Judge Marilyn Milian.

It’s great white (trash) noise and a nice distraction to have playing while working.


100%. Judge Judy comes on at 4:00 pm my time, which is just about when I’m typically proofing my report and thinking about maybe having a beer after a hard day’s work.

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HAH! You’re right I forgot about them.


My apologies. I’m a new member and not fully versed with InterNachi’s resources. I was just looking for.some feedback on my current inspectiom agreement and any shortcomimgs it has. I.must have misunderstood the purpose of the forum. Thanks for the feedback.

Buy insurance and take their advice and adjust if needed. Elite is reliable and a great advocate to have on your side.

yeah, this place is toxic. it seems that folks have forgotten that nick has several threads where he picks apart contracts. it helped me write some better ones. i am one of those “new inspectors with a legal team”, or at least more than one lawyer thanx to using internachi for insurance and haiving their lawyer look at things and then running it by mine, since i’ve been in business for years and have that luxury, as well as as a love of not getting sued. i’ve also read a comment showing just how popular it is to be the inspector who refuses to use caps.

i suggest reading as much as you can and avoiding asking anything until you can’t find it in a search. there is tons of good information here as well as many helpful folks along with a few not so helpful ones. then send your contract to your insurance agent to have them look over since they will be covering anything if you need them to. good luck with it.

Not at all. Words mean something.

And if Mike @mbenson3 wants Nick @gromicko to critique his “contract” (Agreement), it helps to be alerting and asking Nick @gromicko and to be specific in what is being asked for.

Thay’s why I asked:


from the links i found when reading the old stuff as suggested, nobody called out nick by anything other than his name in the title of the thread as seen here, and here. of course those were old threads and things may have changed since then.