Dave Ramsey has been advising everyone to pay off their student loans for years. Ooops

Hog wash!!!


Well, I paid my loans myself because I promised to pay them when I signed. I wouldn’t expect nor want you to help me pay them but that seems lost with some of the next generation, unfortunately. It’s a principle thing, as my kids understand. Very simple.



And again, back to principles. Is it right for someone to take your money and give it to somebody else, even if it’s for a good cause? No. Of course that’s wrong, but if it helps these young people who made bad decisions, is that okay? Still no. How about if it “goes back into the economy”? Still no, because it’s not right to expect me to pay for your bad decisions. I was never consulted in the beginning and I shouldn’t be expected to pay for someone else to go out to eat a few extra times per month so as to help the economy. Just doesn’t seem right, no matter how it’s sold.


No, it is just going to tell these young kids that when it gets to hard to pay their bills, someone else will pay for it while I collect unemployment or go party.
A lot of these kids don’t know the value of money until it hits them in the face.

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That’s called socialism or communism.


Is it wrong for the government to tax me (take my money) and give it to you, Michael Schneider, to pay for debt that you alone incurred? I wasn’t there when you promised to pay it back and wasn’t asked for my opinion on whether you were doing something right or wrong but now I’m expected by you to hold your hand and correct your financial woes while I lose the benefits of some of my earnings.
Anything else that I was too vague on? :wink:

The real issue with many of the recipients of this benefit…


It is fascinating to me that young dumb kids think that when the government redistributes money that it helps the economy. Nothing could be further from the truth. The government does not produce anything. When they take your money and give it to others they have created inflation. More dollars chasing fewer goods. When businesses make money (profit) from producing goods or services they employ people and redistribute wealth (that they earned) in the form of salaries and benefits. They create both goods and jobs. This alone benefits the economy. All that money juggling that the government does benefits no one but the politicians who seek to get re-elected by it.


It’s not a total loss. Remember, if we pay our student loans, that money goes to the government. If we don’t, that money stays inside the productive economy.


Very well said. “Putting money back into the economy” is akin to “the government paying for something”. Neither makes sense when you use a little common sense.

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It also teaches them that there is nothing free in this world, and gives them an incentive to make money by working the job they borrowed money to learn.

Maybe mortgage forgiveness would be a better use of tax dollars?

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So you think it’s too complicated to discern whether or not it’s wrong to take someone’s money and give it to someone else, and you think it’s the word “wrong” is relative since there’s a lot to consider? Sounds like you just run around in circles justifying the payment of others’ debts. Doesn’t matter for what or how old they were when they incurred the debt. It’s their’s and not mine. Can you agree to that?


That shows just how little you know about economics, taxes, or the real world. The petroleum industry produces something and employs thousands of people with their associated benefits. Not to forget the taxes paid at both the state and federal level for every gallon sold. All you’ve done by going to college is consume. Hardly even similar.


Four things.

  1. Less government funding will allow colleges to compete for students, driving down costs and generating efficiency.
  2. Tuition became very high because of too much funding, call it tuition inflation if you will.
  3. Government funding of schools is the most inefficient way to you use tax payer money.
  4. However, government can create incentives for high demand, low participation jobs the nation needs. This may include technical schools or even teachers.

Finally, you have an amazing amount of faith in the US Government despite it’s almost complete incompetence.

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BTW, I was being direct when I was saying “now I’m expected by you to hold your hand and correct your financial woes”. It had nothing to do with the petroleum industry. This isn’t a broad discussion I’m having. Remember, principles. Wrong means wrong and right means right. Pretty simple. I made a promise, I keep the promise. You make a promise, you keep the promise.

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You have no clue when it comes to money or the economy.

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It really can be pretty simple when it comes to principles, right or wrong. You’re making it way too complicated.


Just my luck, I worked hard and paid my house off and would then be expected to help someone else pay for their house that is bigger and nicer than the one I could afford.