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I see you can’t find it. Are you blind!

Keep trying what?
I’m confused, I thought Jim made a statement, not a guess to a question.
Did I miss a question somewhere?
Has someone cross posted a thread again?
Did we go off into la-la land again?

No just busy.
Unlike some I have inspection reports to write, and don’t have the luxury of a Samsung mega to allow me to troll the internet looking for people to abuse. :twisted:

Wait… Does it mean that if you own a Samsung Mega, you can be rude, prejudiced, immoral, unprofessional, demeaning and be in position to order your colleagues around?

Thanks for clarifying!

Really! So you are in the office and you still can’t get it right. How precious that you took time out to correct me.
You Pat I know have plenty of time. Why don’t you go help those Canadian’s screaming for answers on the OntarioAchi site.
Must be allot to go through with such a large Association.

What happened Kevin, did you miss your ride?


He has lots of time when his inspections are imaginary.

It surely is! How are you handling the onslaught of members to your new Chapter?

Thanks for having my back - Although you know very little about me (and others for that matter).

It’s all good! We got through all the questions about you and they are satisfied.

What about on your side? Still spreading your poison about the business, colleagues and Associations on other forums?

They were overbooked on the interplanetary lala-land express, with a stop over in Oz… Bumped to a later ride - No stops, direct…

Christopher be careful :shock:… You may end up with a special stinky letter from principal Woody…

I think you must be looking at the wrong site sir.

I see no-one screaming on the OntarioACHI site, only here, and it appears you are doing most of the screaming.

Not very smart are you Len.
So how many years is it going to take for you to listen.

Since both xxxxx and xxxxxxx are bringing shame to the Association and are acting like children. I think it is time correct the crap on the open MB.
We are way under the magnifying glass for Ontario and they along with OntarioAchi have brought the wrong attention to InterNachi.

I’m in your corner, Kevin! It is about time you corrected all the crap on the open MB.
I’d start by correcting your sentence structure. I fixed it for you above, so it will be more professional.

Don’t forget Chris you are a President. You need some lessons from Nick. OK
See I don’t issue my complaint to the kangaroo court. I go to the tippy tippy tippy top.

Please go to whomever you wish, Kevin. As a fellow InterNACHI member, I am allowed to my opinions and comments on this message board. No threats or name calling have been directed at you by me. Please feel free to do whatever it is you feel you need to do.
I’ve still got your back, Kevin!

Nope! As a President of the Ontario Association that speaks you need to be way above reproach. In other words button your lip before it is too late.

I thought you said already there were consequences “probably” coming the end of the month, so whatever you need to do, keep on doing it.
My opinions and comments on the InterNACHI message board will continue.

We all have your back, because that’s what colleagues do no matter if you think otherwise.

All the silly posts on these threads were started by you and no name calling or threats have been issued by members of this chapter.

That you are now realizing that this may have a negative effect is about time since MANY have tried in every way shape or form to ask you to either step off the gas or move it to the closed area. Even the founder of InterNACHI asked you repeatedly and you ignored his request.

As Chris mentioned, do what you have to do but your personal and demeaning attacks will not be tolerated and will be met with suitable replies.
So, either come clean or keep going… Your choice!