Dishwasher drain vent

In this house the dishwasher drain vent spews water from it into the sink. Is this a bad thing if it does not cause damage. How can it be corrected?


Was this a serious question?


I assume you’re referring to the air-gap?

The drain line is obstructed, or the knock-out wasn’t removed from the disposal. Easy fix in either case.

It is not right, and it leaves a scuzzy film behind. Are you referring to the drain line connected to the sink drain above the trap? If so, cleaning of the sink trap may be called for. :mrgreen:

John Kogel

It can be quite fun when your laptop is nearby during the inspection.

Replace it as it is blocked and not functioning properly.

Air-gap would be the appropriate device and blockage or what Jeff said would be my guess…And if I know this before my consult with the client I save those for my special realtors. Anyone that has seen this happen will appreciate my humor.