Does Recallchek violate the code of ethics?

I am new to inspecting and just took the Ethics course. I wish to offer Recallchek to my customers, but it occurred to me that participating in Recallcheks “Alarm Leads” program (which offers inspectors free Recallchek for a referral to their alarm company affiliates) could violate article 6 of the “Duty to the public” section of the code of ethics. Also that Recallchek itself could violate article 7. Please advise.

Here we go :D.

No… You’re good…

Can we get 1000 comments please :slight_smile:

After digging further into the forums, it would appear that this is a hotly debated topic between only a few inspectors with no clear answers. I have polled several realtors in my area and found that few to none of their inspectors use Recallchek. This tells me that it is too close to violating the code of ethics to use a third party service, especially when tied like it is to the “Alarm Leads” program.

Why pay for something that anyone can get for free on the internet?

Call me some time if you want to talk about the program. I have utilized it for years. There is no ethical violation.

You might want to work on your website link on this forum. When I went to check your website it goes to a Godaddy site: Honeinspector… It’s misspelled.

YOU (as a member of InterNACHI) are burdened with fulfilling 7. a. … AND… 7. b. (BOTH, not one or the other) of As long as you are, you’re fine.

Recall Chek goes against my personal ethics however members are free to use it as well as I am allowed to point out to my clients that they should be beware certain other Inspectors do as my selling point.

Nothing that makes a vendor money violates the InterNACHI code of ethics.

Some InterNACHI vendors have been found guilty of ethical violations as well as violations of state and federal laws, however.

Accordingly, it is best to run your business in a manner that complies with your … not NACHI’s … personal and ethical standards.

Not if those standards fail to meet or exceed InterNACHI’s.

Last I heard the owner of that company was banned from NACHI. That, in & of itself speaks volumes.

It’s your choice how you run your business.

IMO gimmicks and giveaways are not what will set you apart as a Home Inspector, but instead, how you perform your job is what in the long run you will find is what really matters.

If you do decide to use it, be sure to read all the fine print.

And yes, IMO, trading away your clients contact data for anything is a violation of the code of ethics.


Yeap. That’s why when Chris searched this MB for post related to Recal Check he couldn’t find many, because thousands were deleted when the owner/vendor got booted.