Hey everyone, first time posting on this forum. I have been an inspector for just over a year from Minnesota and for the last 6-8 months have been randomly taking some of INACHI courses to become a member. Tonight I took the inspector exam and passed with an 89% (got a couple of areas to work a little more on) but pretty darn happy I did as well as I did, course was pretty good and challenging but had fun taking it. My question is there an area I can log on to on the site to see how many things I have completed thus far? I cant remember which areas I have completed and which I havent and really would like to get everything else done to become a member. Any input is greatly appreciated.
Log-in, top right and then “Search Continuing Education Log”.
Mike that function is only available to members as it requires a membership log-in
Good point Gerry…I didn’t see that Randy was not a member…my bad
That what I thought…tried that yesterday… Does anyone have a clue if you can the same thing without being a member or if there is a different area for non-members?
In order for you to bask in the endless list of iNACHI benefits, you must become a member.
What’s stopping you? Join today. You simply recoup your membership costs in the benefits alone.
Randy, In case you missed it, I have said this before and I will say this as many times as I can… The $289 spent joining Nachi is not only the best $289 spent on my business but has been the best $289 spent ever!
Worth repeating my friend.
Marcel :)