Well…i was out here in seattle ,WA again teaching a seminar to Electricians…no rain…love it out here. Got a treat…i was able to see Mt.Ranier fully…from what i hear it is rare this time of year…also enjoyed yesterday in Portland, Oregon…wonder country.
Hi Paul. Good to hear from you.
PAUL!!! Why didnt you tell me you were out here,… DAMN IT!!! We could have gone and egg’ed Steve’s house! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
lol…i would have loved to EGG steve"O"'s house with ya peter…sad thing is i am running around so much these days i visit places i never really get to see…its a sad life…but its an educators life.
Wish i could be here more guys…but i am always a call away…Just finished up shooting video’s with Mike Holt last week and had to fly out he next day for a west coast stint…should settle down in a week or so and i will be on more to assist everyone that may need it…but we got enough good people to help out so me being away really did not effect much…heck i have not been to my own site actually…but its caling down a bit…not sure if thats good or bad…
Wow. I offer to buy the guy a burger when he comes to town and he wants to egg my house…along with my competition.
Let’s see, where did I put those thong pictures of Paul. And that picture of Peter in his InspectorMan cape…hmmm
lol…no you know I only wanted to get ya going fella…lol…wish I was here more than just a day I would love to see ya and have that burger…I may be back out again as the people loved my seminar and want me back again…If i do come back I will schedule an extra day…I am sitting in the airport as we speak…waiting for a 11PM redeye back to Virginia…should arrive at 8 AM…just in time to head off to work again…lol
Don’t worry about it Paul. After working at SeaTac for 26 years, I still have friends. In fact, they are checking your luggage at this very moment.
Make sure you unpack it yourself. Wouldn’t want the little woman to find the soiled women’s panties in your suitcase… if it ever shows up…
And don’t worry about the strip search right before boarding. My TSA friends can be gentle when they want to…or not. :shock: