Ever wonder why our military attacked the wrong two countries after 911, then refused to leave for 20 years?

Not a single 911 hijacker, trainer, mastermind or financier was Afghan or Iraqi. Not one. But you can’t sell arms without wars.


I think Trump’s life is at risk right now, with all his talk about ending the Ukraine war. Billions at stake.


Meh! I’ll believe it when I see it. Another BS post… :roll_eyes:


See what, that Trump’s life is in danger? They already tried to assassinate him twice if you dont remember

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He started no new wars the last time he was president. He has to go.


Witty sarcasm try…but no… :roll_eyes:

You forgot one Nick. Halliburton’s KBR, the recipient of the largest government services contract in US history, the company VP Cheney once worked for, which by some strange coincidence was also a “no bid” contract.

KBR Tells U.S. Army it will Cost $500 Million and Take 13 Years to Close out Its Iraq Contract

The recipient of the largest government services contract in U.S. history has told military officials it will take another 13 years and half a billion dollars to finish off its work stemming from the Iraq war.

This assessment from KBR Inc., which won the $38 billion deal from the U.S. Army way back in 2001, is at the heart of a legal battle between the two sides.

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He needs to be protected from any crazies out there. The last thing we need is for our next President to be assassinated. The wild conspiracies are already out of control.

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DS thugs don’t like getting called out…

OMG. Crony capitalism at its worst because it requires people to kill and die.

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After two assassination attempts, your TDS has deep rooted Stockholm Syndrome. Sad.


That was the beginning of my ‘awakening.’ :wink:

I am a Desert Storm veteran and the 1st Gulf War seemed perfectly logical and patriotic at the time. But everything following is more than suspect.


Top al-Qaeda operative Hassan Ghul was captured in January 2004 in northern Iraq. A lot of our intelligence came from Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Kwait, and Turkey. Bin Laden was traced to Abbottabad via his couriers from Kwait. Abbottabad while in Pakistan is only a stone’s throw away from Jalalabad and Kabul in Afghanistan.
Agreed top arms companies and politician made a fortune off extending the conflict but our intelligence was coming from those countries. Bin Laden was smart not to be present in the countries al-Qaeda was operating out of.


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