Federal documents case against Trump was just dismissed. He won again


Great news!

Perfect Judge Cannon has just placed ‘justice’ on the ballot, now in November everyone will understand what they are voting for. :balance_scale:


This man is blessed for sure!

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Yes the American people can now vote for DJT and allow him to work on cleaning up the justice system in this country!

By the way Joe Biden has molested a lot of women and little girls. As for sleeping with a porn star I would not doubt that either. As for Trump I believe he did not have sex with a porn star. So it looks like your banner below is correct.

Trump is a known germaphobe. Everyone knows that with all the women throwing themselves at him, he didn’t choose a washed up, used porn-star.


Wonderful news.

Well of course he will. We expect no less from a butt-hurt douche bag!

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It’s no one else’s fault if you have a shallow understanding of American history.

Are you supposed to be setting an example for anything to do with InterNACHI? You are clearly a child.

You’ve read six minutes on the forum just to troll?

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Don’t need longer than six min to understand what you all are saying. I am a dues paying member of this organization and received an email update of posts to the forum. What does any of this have to do with home inspections?

WTF are you talking about?? Have you heard the news yet about The Emancipation Proclamation? Do you know who Martin Van Buren is, what group he started, and what one of their core tenets/beliefs was??

You need a history class yourself!!


Only half the case was dismissed.
Loads more to come on this crime.
Remember, he is still a felon and convicted sex abuser.
That is nothing to be happy about, considering he is running for the highest office in the land.

Can you comprehend the verbiage in the post title?? As you can see, if you can comprehend, that this post has nothing to do with home inspections. If it offends you so much that people are posting topics outside of the scope of home inspections why are you reading them??

There are a lot of posts I do not read for whatever reasons. That is the beauty of this country that we have free choice, at least until the current administration took control and has been working tirelessly to eliminate that at every level! But alas the Dictators in power have not reached this BB yet thankfully for us!!


Of course I do. To insinuate that the names and ideals of the two major parties in the country haven’t changed over time is a short coming; it’s a gotcha tactic.

OMG you do have comprehension problems and can’t even comprehend a simple meme! So let’s break down the meme which does not insinuate what you so wrongly claim. So much has happened since then and yet the meme indicates the Demonrats have not been upset about it and in fact want all to believe they champion the cause of the Black community. However now that they failed to take Trump down they are as angry now as they were during the period of slavery and the Emancipation Proclamation. Their failure to take Trump down has nothing to do with their attitudes to slavery pre-Civil War.

Do you get the freaking picture now? Do we need to provide you more comprehension lessons?

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