Federal flood ins...

the new map actually saved me a few dollars…took me out of the 8’ level by a couple of inches…the other property i own miss it by that much…

Sure it will ;-)…just wait for a wild fire, or lightning, a quake, or some other disaster to hit. It will be the taxpayers to the rescue. Jim Dandy…

Your home owners insurance is for thefts, or toilet overflows, or dog bites…

it will not protect you in case of disaster unless you have separate riders…

And Tornadoes.

And I can purchase what ever insurance I wish and you don’t get to help.

If the government persist in playing insurer, people will build where they shouldn’t. Nuff said.

Great for you but I have no choice…and if you don’t have a choice it should be government controlled…

It is I who have no choice.

I get to pay for your subsidy whether I want to or not.

Is that fair?

Not true. You can move inland, to another state, live on a boat, at an RV park… We all have choices and live with and by the decisions we make. The “someone else should pay” mindset is what has us in the trouble we’re in now.

I am paying for yours… is that fair…

where’s my subsidy dude…i pay for catastrophic ins. plus other taxes…

I pay for wind and i pay for flood…

What catastrophic ins do you pay…is their a separate rider for your tornado.

I’m paying my share are you…

No you are not.

I know you want to believe that but you have offered no evidence.

So back to my original question…

if flood ins works…why can’t other government run insurance work also…why does everything have to be a ferengi thing People need help, not everything should be based on profit.

Look what’s happening in the prison system…Privateers are amassing fortunes in keeping people locked up. Screw gold invest in prisons…

i got one for ya…insurance for malpractice…putting doctors out of business.

Our own governer advocates pill mills because it profitable.

Where do people come into play…

Just admit you were wrong and I will go easy on you.

I’m for ending ALL government subsidies. yes, ALL of them.

What do you want…a copy of my insurance bills. i have seperate riders for wind storm and floods… seperate for dog bite too…burglary over a certain amount…
slip and fall… I better look to see if a tornado hit here,( It came close to here the other day) if i am covered…probably some fine print in there somewhere blaming it on flooding…

You claimed you were subsidizing me as defense for my subsidizing you.

Did you not?


my tax money would come to your rescue if Dorthy’s house made it from Kansas and landed on your house.

You are just being stubborn.

You are wrong and yet you persist.:frowning:

AMEN. And there is nothing wrong with profit. Absolutely nothing. That is why we are all working! :mrgreen:

We must also remember that insurance companies are the new mafia. LOL

Most people do not know the Insurance world’s definition of “flood”. You don’t have to live in a flood zone to need flood insurance. Some years back they, the insurance industry, realized they could shift as much liability off of themselves and over onto the Federal Gov’t without too much effort. They slipped in some new vernacular into their reams of contract statements that basically says, “flooding is any accumulation of surface water”. So if your ponds or lakes or a freaking puddle grows in your yard during a particularly heavy rain storm and it “accumulates” enough to get into your house and does damage…and you don’t have flood insurance, you are S.O.L getting that claim covered. See, I paid attention in Public adjustors class.

Some days I think there are very few of us around that know that Blaine.

People get awfully attached to their own little subsidy and convince themselves that everyone else’s subsidy is the problem.

This is exactly what keeps the same type of politician in power.

Good luck to all of us.

Thomas, to answer your rant in #29: insurance for malpractice. It’s not the insurance companies putting the doctors out of business, IT’S THE LIARS, OOPS I MEANT TO SAY LAWYERS WITH ALL THESE FRIVOLOUS LAW SUITS. If people did not sue for just any rhyme or reason doctors would not have to pay so much for malpractice insurance. Another thing to keep in mind is all the government regulation. Having to comply with all the governments crap takes time and costs a fortune.