Hey Everyone,
My name is Tom Rorke and I’m a newbie here. I have started a business on Vancouver Island, BC Parksville Home Inspections. Hi Mark, I’ve been watchin your stuff. All great!!!
I sure feel comfortable in here. All Snowbirds
Welcome to the house of madness Tom. You’ll like it here, lots of great guys and a lot of good info.
Hi Tom,
Welcome aboard. You’ll find this messae board very educational.
Thanks Folks, I feel welcome already. BPCPA is already giving me a hassle, but I’ve been certified at only 2 years, and they won’t recognize my school. Caphi says I need to spend between 4 and 8 grand again to belong to Caphi and ensure my licence. Think I’ll just carry on business though. Maybe when they come to me I’ll have written enough exams by then with Inter-Nachi and National Home Inspectors things will cool down. Anyways thanks again for the welcome folks.
Hi Tom,
Welcome to the industry. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you out. I serve oceanside often. Are you licensed with the BPCPA now?
Ahh Qualicum Beach, one of my favorite beaches of all time, welcome
Welcome John. What happened to the first part of your last name
Looks like we’re amost related.
Tom, I welcome you to InterNACHI but you MUST get licensed to conduct inspections in the Province of BC as of March 31, 2009. It is a $5000.00 fine per inspection after the due date.
When they come to you, it will be with a HUGE fine.
You need to fullfill the requirements of CAHPI, BCIPI or the National Certificate program and apply for a license with the BPCPA.
Hi Tom,
Do you need help? just ask for,we all behind you.
Welcome John. What happened to the first part of your last name
Looks like we’re amost related.
I lost it somewhere on the prairies, lol
Its quite a process now Tom, you know what they say BC = bring cash
Hello Tom and welcome!
Mark said it all. You have to have the BCL number to home/property inspect.
It may take time but it is well worth the effort to get in on the ground floor.
BCL # 47827
Tom I just wanted to add, that these regulations now create a positive base that will improve customer confidence, and we inspectors will all benefit from more work and a higher level of respect from all aspects of the industry.
You might want to consider National Certification. Nowhere near as expensive as CAHPI, and though the school you attended might not be on the accredited trainer list, the hours you put in are taken into account. There is also a practical examination called a TIPR that you do when you have been accepted as a candidate.
Got to: http://www.nca-anc.com for more information.
Hey folks, Thanks for all your responses, The only thing I’m lacking it seems is the hours of inspections and going around with somebody during inspections. Never give up, never surrender. I did make it here as a full member here though. I just don’t want to lose $350.00, $100.00 for the licence Plus $250.00. My is school is recogized by The National Certificate Program. would that help If I apply.
All the best
Tom Rorke
Being a member of INACHI holds no weight at all with the BPCPA. Did you apply for your license before the end of March? If so, you’ve got some breathing space. If not, it is going to be more difficult.
Did you check out the link?
Thanks Paul, I am going through them because my school Is listed there as for the 200 hrs of classroom training I’m now taking my Mold and Remediation course 90hrs which puts me well above their hour protocol time. One step at a time. I want to thank everyone for their help and advice. I’ve listened and one step at a time. No more Inspections for a short bit though.
thanks folks.
Tom Rorke