Originally Posted By: Walt Hoffman This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have had several clients ask if I am FHA Certified (or approved). Does anyone know if FHA does approve inspectors and what is involved in doing so? Thanks for any feedback-
Originally Posted By: psmothers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Here in Louisiana if you are getting a 100% backed loan you need to be on the approved list. If the loan is not 100% back you do not have to be on the list. To get “on the list” you have to have 3 years inspecting under you belt.
Originally Posted By: jsmith10 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Along the lines of the FHA certification. Is there a specific web site to check out the requirements? I’ve been getting asked more and more also if I perform FHA inspections. I know some of my inspections have been and approved for FHA loans, but is there a FHA requirement posted anywhere that nyone knows of?