Final draft agreement #4

All Alberta chapter members that need an interim licence go to To down load a PDF file of the approved agreement.
Our lawyer assures us that the government has approved this agreement and that he negotiated it with George Yates the deputy minister.

This last minute approval goes back to Mr. Hoods failure to respond to our original proposed agreement submitted on July 12, 2011.
He did not respond to that submission until August 10, 2011. At that time he rejected two clauses, a week later is staff rejected another clause. That took us to August 17 or 18, 2011. This wasted a month less 2 days plus an additional week because of the second rejection. This left us with less than two weeks to get an approved agreement.
Now we have only the rest of today, Monday and Tuesday to get you application approved and get your interim licence.

Agreement #4 has been apprved and can be sed by all Alberta InterNACHI members.