First 2 to Reply Win a Free Ticket to the House of Horrors® 5-Day Become A Home Inspector Training in Weston, FL!

Please oh please send that to me!! I could use that!

Yes That would be great

 Louis Nero, Jr.

Susan Ray
Frostburg, Maryland

Jeff LeBlanc Cottage to CAstle Moncton NB

If this one comes to you since won of the winners passed I would love to go since you won the class in Boulder as well. I was so close.

@dhilborn – Are you interested in this prize? If not, we’ll pass it along to @bscott5.

This will be a nice surprise for one of them!

I’m trying to figure out what the costs will be to get there as well as stay there and if it’s something I can do because I would like to. I will let you know in a few days.

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Well I will not be able to make the trip as much as I would like to. You can pass it on to Bill Scott. But thank you guys for the opportunity! Congratulations Bill!

@bscott5 Congratulations!:tada:

This is awesome! Thank you very much! Sorry you couldn’t make it David but thank you!